Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Beautiful Sight


Watching this old gin slut trying to chow down on that Trumpburger
is a glorious thing…



  1. Agree 100%. Looks like her head is ready to explode๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Do you want to keep the Ukraine war going another 5 years? OMGAWD- Do you wanna keep it going ~ Pocahontas says yes ๐Ÿคฃ M-GAB

  2. Yes it is/was!!!

  3. Looks like she took a big bite of the shit sammich that the dems tried to feed us the last four years.

  4. Anyone wanting our countries to be involved with Country 404 or the Middle East or Taiwan or Africa or any military adventure MUST go themselves. Or send THEIR children as enlisted personnel. Otherwise they can fuk right off. Girls can do everything better than any man, so shut up or LEAD THE WAY from the front lines elderly bitches.
