Monday, February 10, 2025

Pervert Island


Ol’ Mark here is the odds on favourite to replace Turdo - assuming the Libs ever manage to scrape that particular piece of shit off their collective shoe. Figures, eh?

I still don’t get how this works. I mean… you’re an old fart. You’re connected, you’re wealthy, you know the ways of the world. So ya go to some retreat for meetings and the first thing ya know…you’re in a pool full of 14~16 year old bubblegumming floozies. The place’s run by a creepy jewish rat. 

Ya GOTTA know you’re getting set up…? 


  1. The brainwashing of the masses is so complete that the sportball watching slobs would give up their daughters pussies for another sleeve of swill while cheering their image on the megatron. Team Canada can FOAD! I'm on Team Magoo!!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. I feel bad for you Glen and Mrs. Filthie.

    Canadian students sing the communist anthem and call for a Marxist takeover.
    Canada will host the ‘Marxist Winter School’ in February that will offer a ‘weekend of intensive Marxist training,’
    It’s right in your face now.

    1. Not surprised its in Montreal. If we ditched Quebec and ontario, Canada would be better


  3. The orgasms are, apparently, worth it. Plus they give you money and moar orgasms. What a club!

  4. If you're at someplace like that, you've already given in to the influence. You are already a team player and being in the pool with the floozies is your reward. It's not a setup, they already got you on a dozen different things. This is for the players who know how to kneel and kiss the ring.

  5. Yeah....and that's likely what's going to be our next PM in a few short months. Smug bastard knows it, too.
