We learned that with our St. Bernard. Fortunately, we boarded another Saint for some friends going overseas, then adopted a rescue Saint to keep our girl company.
Uhh... My household is going through that right now. We have a 6-year-old Springer Spaniel (son's dog) and two weeks ago added a 2-year-old Rottie/German Shepherd mix (my new dog). Its been... interesting working the two dogs in together.
That was my biggest mistake. We had probably to coolest dog ever, a shepherd/lab mix. Looked like a big black shepherd with floppy ears. He was goofy and playful as a lab, but had the smarts and protectiveness of a shepherd. We ended up getting a second dog a year later to keep him company. Best decision ever.
But a better one would've been to take two puppies. Had I known he'd be so cool, I'd have surely gotten two. He ended up getting sick and dying around age 9. I ended up getting a rescue yellow lab to replace him. I like having two. They are so different.
Trying to train a pair of litter mates is 10X more difficult than training either one of them.
ReplyDeleteSome years ago I had brother and sister Goldens. What a riot.
ReplyDeleteWe learned that with our St. Bernard. Fortunately, we boarded another Saint for some friends going overseas, then adopted a rescue Saint to keep our girl company.
ReplyDeleteUhh... My household is going through that right now. We have a 6-year-old Springer Spaniel (son's dog) and two weeks ago added a 2-year-old Rottie/German Shepherd mix (my new dog). Its been... interesting working the two dogs in together.
ReplyDeleteBlue Tile Spook
The brown pne looks like our choc lab as a puppy.
That was my biggest mistake. We had probably to coolest dog ever, a shepherd/lab mix. Looked like a big black shepherd with floppy ears. He was goofy and playful as a lab, but had the smarts and protectiveness of a shepherd. We ended up getting a second dog a year later to keep him company. Best decision ever.
ReplyDeleteBut a better one would've been to take two puppies. Had I known he'd be so cool, I'd have surely gotten two. He ended up getting sick and dying around age 9. I ended up getting a rescue yellow lab to replace him. I like having two. They are so different.