Monday, February 10, 2025



Ughhh. I’m sitting out the cold weather by staying  inside, waiting for the friggin gout in my foot to subside…and trying to re-learn how to fly RC heli’s on the Realflight simulator again. Gawd…these things are so gay. They piss me right off and the only reason I’m sticking with it is because I’m so damned mad and ornery! 

You can buy these cheap RC foamies with flight controllers that tame them down and make them easily manageable… but then they’re  just basically the same as multirotor crapcopters. Heli’s are a completely different can of worms from fixed wings and I’ve been at it for a week and a bit now. I don’t know if I will ever be a good Heil pilot…


I’m not giving up though. There are ways to cheer myself up after a fruitless session on the simulator.


  1. Oh HELI-Yes!

    Years ago I lived across the street from a school with a large parking lot, and every so often a guy would bring his RC Helicopter out and very carefully fly it. He mainly caused it to hover, which I gather is difficult. One RC guy told me that the RC 'copters were extremely difficult to fly, were expensive to buy and worse to fix - so they tended to be rare.

  2. Oh Man, take some vitamin C for the gout, a couple of grams a day. Seriously. Do plan to spend a minute on the crapper an hour later, at least till you get used to it. Worth the trouble!
