Monday, January 13, 2025

Whypipo Dont Season Dey Food…


Y’know I like racism and bigotry as much as the next guy. I learnt from the best too. Archie Bunker has nothing on me… but…

I’ve reached the point where I think the nigras are shitting me. I might buy the idea that they’re so dumb that they’ll put Gorilla Glue in their hair.  I might barely manage to believe they’ll wash their veggies with industrial chemical solvents before cooking them. 

But… this? I call BS.


  1. Replies
    1. when i cook a roast or beef stew i always put coffee in them 1 or 2 cups.. YOU didnt know??? Try it and see!!! hillbilly recipes FFFFOOOOOLLL!!

  2. what does one expect of a race of 80 iq?
    thankfully, they are only estimated to be 13% of the general population. i’ve seen no studies for ms13 and illegal’s iq. i suspect more like 50-70.

    the sure looks bright for this “golden age” nonsense.

  3. That guy's reaction videos are pretty good. He does a full set of gym videos where people do stupid shit. And yeah, some of that is fake, but the guy is funny.

  4. That looked pretty good, except for the coffee part.

  5. Leave the coffee grounds out, just pour in a few cups of coffee, and it might be OK, maybe. Or not.

    I do like a couple tablespoons of cocoa powder in a batch of chili.
