Sunday, January 26, 2025

Whadda They Gonna Do On The Border?


Good grief! I got a 4 ft. schadenfreude boner going on so hard a cat couldn't scratch it!!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! I'm watching the green haired crotch perverts getting fired, I'm seeing the funds diverted from carpet baggers to the disaster victims, I am seeing violent, stupid niggers bundled into paddy wagons and shipped back to the shitholes from whence they came. The borders will be under control soon and uncooperative international allies and enemies alike are about to find out after decades of effing around.

But this has me stumped...? What are a bunch of white collar gubmint kleptocrats going to do on the boarder? Even if there was something useful they could do... could you trust them to do it...?

My real concern is for his safety at this point. The enemies he has are utterly corrupt and ruthless and they've already taken a couple half-arsed swings at him. At the rate he's going a lot of them are going to lose millions - billions in previously profitable graft, grift and flat out theft.


  1. You forget they were all trained on military weapons, and a requirement in the job application was a willingness to shoot people!

  2. My understanding is that these IRS agents were specifically trained as field agents, meaning they should have a base level of core policing skills (arrest procedure, firearms handling, etc.) in accordance with whatever federal standard there is (likely FLETC). Operationally, they could probably integrate fairly simple with ICE.

    That said, you're probably right Glen. Knowing the politically motivated purpose behind the mission these agents were selected and trained for, and would have been ostensibly willing to carry out for the regime, would it be wise to keep them around? Would these particular agents actually WANT to do the work of evicting illegals from the country, knowing it is directly contrary to the previous regime's wishes? Where do their loyalties lie? What guarantee does Trump, Homan, and the rest of the administration have that these agents wouldn't be a problem down thre road?

    Too many questions. Personally, I think they'd be more trouble than they're worth.

  3. The comment is not complete - he said he will send them to the border since they are experts on using guns. All in jest. they will be fired.

  4. Most employers of illegals are in some capacity breaking the tax laws, either by paying them under the table or by knowingly paying to a fraudulent ssn. The IRS could make those employers squirm.

  5. both points are super valid!

    but at least on the border is NOT in tax paying citzens homes at zero dark thirty!

    let Them worry an illegal will attack them as they snore!


  6. He meant the Canadian border.

    To keep the riff-raff out from Hongcouver and Quebecistan.

    Pisser, eh?

  7. Trump's strategy is completely obvious.
    CRUSH the Canadian economy while the metrosexual marxist, Trudeau, or his party is still in power.  Massive job losses.  Completely unaffordable food.  Families losing their homes.
    Make it so bad that 40 million angry Canadians surround Parliament Hill demanding change.  Trudeau helicopters to safety from the roof and flies to Cuba.
    Once an election is called and there is a conservative landslide, quickly negotiate win-win trade deals and unify on policy between Canada and the US.
    "Exports are responsible for over 43 percent of Canada’s gross domestic product....about 87 percent of merchandise exports are destined for only one market, the United States...."
Canada will be completely, utterly f*cked

    What every single idiot news source is failing to report is that:
    He told them to show that they're serious about securing the border, and stopping the flow of drugs over it.
    The entire government was immediately prorogued, at the request of Turdho, which means that the King adjourned parliament, and as such the Legislators can do nothing of the sort.
    He's F’n around, and now he's about the find out, and by finding out, I mean collapsing the Canadian economy that's already completely F’d by his anti-western WEF agenda.

  8. Give them shovels and have them dig ditches, the'll get used to it .

  9. Haven't you seen all the articles on the IRS ordering a bunch of M-4s (that's a fully automatic battle-rifle evolved from the M-16), a shit-tonne of ammo and have been rehearsing breaching drills? They can use all that training on illegal aliens instead of Americans who made an arithmetic error when they completed their taxes.
