Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Torpedoes Away

Well, well well.

Blumpf sure had a great day yesterday, didn't he? And the crazies and stupids were unusually restrained. It might seem Our Side is finally coming off the couch, putting the grill away, and turning off the sportzball? Watching Orange Man yesterday just made me smile. Even up here in Canada, Trump is having a positive effect.

You Yanks may not know it... but before he announced his intention to resign, Prime Minister Pink Socks prorogued our gov't - which means basically shutting it down until such time as they are orginized enough to resume operations. In realspeak - the liberal party is tanking in the polls, their entire leadership is pozzed with wokeness, incompetence and corruption - and the liberals need time to get their poop in a group, put down the chaos, and reset in order to have even a ghost of a chance in the next election. A prorogued gov't will give them time to do all that, maybe have a party or two, and stuff their pockets one last time with tax payer cash before getting thumped and removed in the general election.

But Blumpff has announced Canadian tarriffs going into effect February. Our economy is already a shit show. A trade war would mean not only food banks - but bread lines, flop houses, and soup kitchens. This country is in crisis, and doesn't have time for the morons out east to heemmmmm and hawwww about how they get beaten in the next election. We The Canadian People need our gov't on the job. A court challenge has been issued to challenge the prorogation and force the libs back to work, and face increasingly angry calls for a non-confidence vote. A successful non-confidence voot would trigger an election at the will of  we the people - not they the gubmint  shit libs. It's complicated... but it works. Turdo hasn't been seen for days and is in hiding again. I guess his petulant ego can only take so much.

It's going to be interesting to see how many of Trump's torpedoes from yesterday hit. Hopefully there'll be some bodies floating in the water soon. Keep the machine guns stocked with ammo and stay close. If they float - shoot them till they sink! If that makes you queasy... it's what they had in mind for you...

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