Friday, January 10, 2025

The Stubfart Olympics

I guess it's a thing now? There seems to be a concerted effort amongst the subfarttery the noble older gentlemen among us - to poost, poast, and shitpost the most hilarious lefties suffering mental breakdowns from the last election. Fuggin Cederq just took the Gold Medal and left the rest of us in the dust! The rotten old bastid is probably enhancing his performance with illegal fibre supplements and Ovaltine or something. I better step up my game! Metamucil just isn't cutting the mustard anymore!

Welp... I can only be manganimous and congratulate him on his win, dammit. Hell hath no fury, eh? It's the same up here... every second Canadian harridan and hose head up here is gobbling in fright about Blumpf annexing Canada. One of the few things Turdo got right is... it'll never happen, Hell's bells... he already has 40 million f-tards in California that will have to either grow up or be shot - why would he want 40 million more...? 

So I started feverishly looking at taking a swing at Cederq in hopes of de-throning him... but all I could come up with is this:

C'est ce fuck?

Yeah, I know... I won't even get a Bronze for that... but it got the rotten wood smoldering between my ears. So the Democrat Law Machine is going to 'sentence' The Orange Hitler to an "unconditional discharge"? Is that more libspeak going on where they redefine words to mean something else? To me and unconditional dischare is the legal equivalent to "The defendant is innocent, case dismissed". So I looked it up...

An unconditional discharge in a criminal case means that:

What? So... is he guilty or not? Gawd, I hate these people! But... at this point the best thing you can do is just laugh at them like they do on Busted Knuckles.

If any of you can set me up with illegal performance enhanceMINT drugs, or material with which I can rob Cederq of his Gold Medal - please poost them in the comments as soon as possible!

And - have yourselves a great Friday! Thanks for stopping by.



  1. I am enjoying popping your delusional bubble my dear friend, I didn't post that, that is how good I am. Phil(Bustednuckles) posted that. I tend to stay away from X or Gab, yobe tube crap to post, as I say tend, I have posted on occasion. I still retain my throne, Long Live the King!

    1. Ughhh - usually whenever something awful comes up at your place… I automatically assume you’re responsible! 😂👍

      You and Phil shouldn’t play together… your a bad influence on him…🤣🤣🤣

  2. Yeah, Cederq beat me to the punch to say that it was Phil posting that. After reading the comment thread, I see no need to click on the video.
    As for the "Unconditional Discharge", the only real effect I can see is that the looney left can still claim he is a "convicted felon". At least until the whole shebang is thrown out on appeal.
    Thanks Glen. You, Phil, and Cederq are the top of my daily reads list.

    1. Roger that, they're at the beginning of my Bookmarks.
