Sunday, January 5, 2025

Shamelessly Stolen From Cederq: The Future Is Retarded

... And so is the past!


I say this as an old fart Boomer myself... but watching these old buggers "showing their support and outrage" just makes me laugh too. They're all going woke because the TV tells them too. My parents and in-laws are the exact same. The old farts will be bragging until the day they die about their 15 seconds of fame at the local senior's drop in centre. They have no idea what they're saying, they have no idea of the hell that the parents of militant trans and gay kids go through... but the worst of it is they're old, and stupid, and if you rub their noses in their own stupidity as I did... it only makes them mad and sad. Unfortunately there are laws against tying stupid seniors into a chair and beating them to death with a lead pipe.

The lady played it straight up too, refusing to talk to the clowns in the press. All you can do is laugh and ignore them.

I have a retarded cat lady two doors down who ISN'T a retarded senior with fag flag stickers on her car. She tries to be friendly and I just keep my distance, knowing that my eeeeeeevil hatey self will eventually betray me if I talk to her at any length. I have better things to do than cope with the fake outrage of leftie f-knuckles.


  1. Stay in your tribe, remain armed, and watch Clown World eat itself. Lots of fun to be had if you know where to look!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. Y'know Glen....maybe you ARE an old fart Boomer, but you have a sense of self awareness I don't commonly see among your peers in your age group. You're not like the rest of the Fudds and 'Boomerwaffen' I grew up around, and who seem to be a dime a dozen on 'teh interwebz', who spent the majority of their lives pissing and shitting all over everything during their 'glory days', then went on whining about the mess and wondering how and why it all happened.

    No, you're very aware of what happened and why and you articulate these things quite astutely. Plus, you can poke fun at yourself with the best of them. That's why I like you and have all the time in the world for you.

    1. He's a pretty good philosopher, in a chithouse sort of way!

  3. I think JL has a bromance going... I too, enjoy sparing with the outhouse thinking old stubfart Filthie. But he needs to look upon the post, it sez' It was posted by Bustednuckles, I post under Cederq. Glen, you have made that error on several occasions and I don't smoke, never had, never will... Just busting your chops. I hate queers, I have a lesbo older sister(made my life hell until I got big enough to whup her ass consistently) and a couple of lesbo, transitioning nieces and I refuse to call them by the made up masculine name they prefer.

    1. Us Canoeheads have to stick together.

  4. We just need more immigrants and cultural enrichment Glen sarc..

    "It's an NYC food truck. That pigeon is probably the most sanitary thing in there."
    He throws food scraps to the pigeons and then he captures the pigeons to sell them! DG

  5. HEY! Twice a year don't make ya queer!

  6. As the say in the New Navy, "It ain't gay if you're underway!"
