Friday, January 24, 2025

Senior Delinquents



  1. I have thought with my advancing years and my health(diabetes, MS and Renal failure) to commit a heinous Federal crime and request a medium duty medical penal facility with a guilty-as-hell court pleading. I have a son and two daughters that are worthless as frog snot. My brother is 72 and not able to care for me, he has at-home autistic 38 year old son. I could live quietly for my remaining years with better healthcare that I have now and be able to read and listen to some music and a warm bed. What not to appreciate?

  2. Are you saying that there Is a Point where a Life Sentence stops being a deterrent?😁

  3. I have a terminal cancer.

    There's a waterfall an hour away where I figure it will be over in a minute, or two tops, maybe break a few bones, but then definitely drown. It's over. I'd tell the Sheriff in advance so they can pick up the body downstream.

    I've survived worse, so I don't do it.

    1. As long as I have a sense of adventure and curiosity still in my mind and heart, I'll keep at it. Learn from dogs. When you see the happiness leave their eyes, it's time to consider plan b.

  4. Attention seeking, they want a spanking by a strong man and everyone around them are soy boy wimps
