Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Proper 9mming


Other than the charming antiques…
These types of squirt guns the only ones where the 9mm
makes sense…


  1. Roger that. I shoot my new 1911 SO WELL, I'm gonna buy a 1st class holster and wear a MANS gun during the day. At night I'll go back to a high volume, good enough Glock with nite sites.
    I really like the H&K's, I've had both an H&K 91 and 93. Both SUPER quality and accurate but too heavy. Shot an H&K MP5, super quality, accurate, too heavy, expensive.
    AR pistols rule with (10.5+ inch barrels) much more energy, good accuracy, inexpensive, light weight, high speed-low drag, dirt common. You can buy 3 AR pistols for the cost of one H&K.
    Public Safety AnounceMINT! For AR's with 10.5"-20" barrels, using M193 (or clone) 55gr., a 36 yard zero will keep your hits between upper chest and lower abdomen, from zero to 350 yards. You're welcome.

  2. Admit it, you just have an affinity for short, fat and slow LOL.
