Y’know I wonder about it. There is no nice way to say it. My daughter is a militant lesbian derelict… irredeemable in my opinion, but who knows?
To this day I still don’t know what happened? Was she born that way? Or was she talked into it? By whom? I used to attribute queerness to rotten genetics and bad parenting. Did I do something to bring it on? What? I never figured it out. I gave up a couple years ago. Sometimes I still idly wonder about it.
I will never see the appeal of these ideologies based on resentment, anger and envy.
NO, you did not do something to bring it on. She, like many others were/are brain washed into that stuff. NOT you or your spouse.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how they sell it though? Was it somebody like the twerp here that sold her on it? How? What was said?
DeleteI don't have the answer for that. I think, maybe, between peer pressure and wanting to be accepted by their friends, and lots of propaganda from satan himself. And as long as she is involved in it she can not see the problem with it. You, nor anybody else, can help her out of it. She must find her way out on her own. As a parent this is some of the most painful stuff to have to deal with. It is not Godly, it is not acceptable to us and yet we can absolutely do nothing about it. Pray for peace for yourself. You can't help her but you can help yourself.
DeleteI've always wondered about people who go to Starbucks. Is it the ease of having not to make your own coffee? Do people just like bad coffee, or can they even tell with all that sugar and other crap they add? Does hanging with counter-culture types sell?
ReplyDeleteI was in Starbucks a couple weeks ago… and it was my last. They had fag and hag flags up and you’re right. Unless you’re pouring candy, cream and sugar in it… their coffee sucks as bad as their politics. I personally am done with them…
DeleteI like to go to my local Starbucks. They always give me a nice garbage bag full of used coffee grounds to fertilize my garden.
DeleteReal homos are biological. Militant, prob a touch of nature And nurture.
ReplyDeleteThere was a large study of identical twins. They looked at something like 20,000 sets. Approximately 4% identified as some kind of "gay".
ReplyDeleteThe researches "tested" the genetic theory by looking at the OTHER twin. If "gay" was purely genetic, then 100% of the other twins should have also been "gay".
The actual number was about 8%, twice as high as the base-rate but still a very, very long way from 100%.
The lead researcher postulated that "gay" was a mal-adaptive response to some kind of trauma during their formative years and that the other-twin who also became "gay" had also been exposed to that trauma.
That trauma could have been anything from teasing to being raped by Uncle Ernie.
There was a study of female twins in England quite a few years ago. The results were that the incidence of lesbianism was at least partially genetic. If one was lesbian, the probability that the other was lesbian was twice as high as a single birth. Don't remember how the study was corrected for environment, but it did have a significant correlation factor.
ReplyDeleteWere the twins separated at birth? That is the only iron-clad way of separating environment.
DeleteHard to believe that they would have a large enough of a sample size to draw and solid conclusions if they only used twins-separated at birth.
Sounds more like evidence of an environmental factor to me. First, instead of looking at "what percentage of female twins are lesbians", they start with "one is lesbian, what is the other one". If there's an environmental factor, they both were exposed to it. As the previous reply states, were they separated at birth? And did they both know it or not? Knowing or wondering if you're adopting can contribute to the "who am I" issues that tend to arise at puberty which may contribute to the issue.
DeleteIf it were genetic, I'd expect that if one twin was a lesbian, the percentage of the other twin being lesbian would be much closer to 100%.
Kids are born that way. My daughter is just plain dumb and useless, except she voted for Trump.
ReplyDeleteEducation has been using the techniques of the Frankfurt (Joo/Commie) School for decades. There is no mystery about how the mind works, how to manipulate people (except to good people). It's part of the "secret knowledge" of the secret societies, originally started by Lucifers priests, to keep the masses in line by keeping them ignorant. Some are just more or less susceptible. Your culpability is minimal, if any.
ReplyDeleteBe happy you're less "manageable".
Starbucks always made horrible coffee, so nothing will change.
ReplyDeleteI think it has a lot to do with their peers and the desire to be accepted. That's why it's healthy to raise them with a dose of "non-conformance" in their personality. Teach 'em to not give a rat's ass about what other people think.
ReplyDeleteThere's also a hypothesis that a parasite or germ may be responsible - https://web.archive.org/web/20211221025030/https://www.apostategallery.com/exhibitions/2021-11-24-gaygerm-d0/
ReplyDeleteBeing gay can't have a genetic component. Homo Sapiens have been around for 300,000 years. Let's go back 100,000 years (to avoid issues about modern medicine allowing women to have babies without a man being involved).
ReplyDeleteFor the below: G - gay, S - Straight
So, let's say one morning around 100,000 BC, our population has the following "sexual orientation gene" distribution as follows:
25% 50% 25%
Now, assume that gay is dominant. The next generation will be made up of just those people with SS genes, because homosexual relations do not produce offspring, and G disappears from the population in one generation.
Now, assume Straight is dominant. The next generation will be made up of those from the SG and SS populations, again because GG+GG=No kids. So 66% of the breeding population are SG/GS, and 33% are SS. So 1/3 of the SS population will pair with other SS (assuming random selection, since there was no way to test for this 100,000 years ago), and so they will have nothing but SS offspring (11% of total offspring). 2/3 of the SS population will pair with GS/SG, but because one partner is SS, no GG's will come from that pairing. 50% of those offspring (or 1/3 of the total) will be SS. That means that the next generation will have 33% + 11% = 44% SS offspring from just the SS+SS and SS+SG/GS pairings. Of the remaining pairings made from SG/GS individuals, 25% will produce SS offspring. So of the 4/9ths (44%) of the total breeding population, 11% of their offspring will be SS. This means that the percentage of the breeding population that is SS went from 25% to 55% in one generation. In 100 generations (about 2,000 years) you're down to no GG or GS/SG left in the population.
Any scenario in which the percentage of SS increase over a generation (like, say some GGs are bisexual and so have some kids, but still don't prevent the SS percentage to increase) results in the elimination of the G gene from the population; all that changes is the time it takes.
Being gay has to be environmental. We may never know exactly what causes it, because the cause could be different for every person.