Friday, January 17, 2025

FILTHICUS: Child Fighters

I recline up here in the Coliseum skybox - lounging upon my throne. Below - a new breed of fighters take to the sacred sands and fight and die for my amusement! 

I know what you're thinking, you weak barbarian: "Lord Filthicus!!! How could you put mere children in the arena? Have you no heart or mercy?!?!"

Why - I have absolutely NONE. After this massacre, I am going to have my buggardly slave - Cederq - crucified upside down for letting my tankard of wine run dry! Witness the blood, the horror and fear, you lowly peons! You too could find yourselves in the arena just as easily as these poor unfortunate souls!

Sometimes I am frightened by my own heartlessness.


  1. Show me your war face!!!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. I've actually seen this crap. I studied Shuri-ryū karate until I got expelled from the dojo. I was implicated in a plot to overthrow the sensi, and made the lunatic so nervous that he started packing a gun. What an idiot.

    Anyway, the first set of bouts at the tournament are always the kids. They all get decked out in their best gi, put the gloves on, and get paired up. Mind you, the gloves are sized for adults, so the gloves are larger than they are. The combatants are warned about unnecessary roughness (the aggressor will lose one point), then the fights begin. One little girl was winning everything because she'd developed a block-counter punch routine. Eventually, it was all over and the winners (3) got a trophy bigger than they were.

  3. The little kid at the beginning reminded me of watching adults "battle" in those padded sumo suits as he bounced towards his opponent.
    The one match had an aspiring soccer player who played dead after receiving a blow.
    The girl towards the end was landing a lot of blows on the boy but none of them packed a punch.

  4. Give each one an obsidian blade.
