Thursday, January 23, 2025

Declassified - Predictions

So my Orange Buddy down south is gonna come clean about the killings of JFK and MLK?

JFK is the biggest stinker especially among gunnies. It was probably the first time that the mask slipped on the Establishment with an assassination that stunk to high heaven. Magic bullets, magic milsurps that shot like M1A match rifles, improbable and impossible shot angles, blah blah blah. The tinfoil hat crowd called this one ages ago. We may actually learn exactly who pulled the trigger… but it doesn’t matter, does it? 

It was the FBI, or the CIA, or some other deep state team whose alliances were with our greatest allies today… if ya catch my drift.

As for MLK….? Info will be released that will tie him to the shittiest people in our country, and will spell out doings that will have earned him his spot in hell. Some extremely shitty people propped him up with money and connections to drive racial discord and strife that still festers and simmers today. It’ll go like the usual black sainthood rituals that we saw with Trayvon and Floyd: black citizen dressed up like noble freedom fighter, community organizer, and brave speaker to power…only to turn out to be just another retarded black baboon in the middle of a scam and grift he doesn’t understand.

If I’m wrong - you can correct me in the comments.


  1. Interesting bit on the JFK shooting. At the Second Chance shoot one year (early 80s?) they set up a JFK shoot with a cardboard mock up moving target (car, passenger; 2D not 3D) and shot it from a stand approximating angle, speed and distance with the exact same rifle, not a match rifle. There was a handful of shooters that nailed the rear passenger.

  2. You are NOT wrong Filthie. DG

  3. ML King JR A Marxist, Plagiarist, Sex Criminal, and Phony Christian
    Just another scumbag like so many others. Jessee Jackson, Al Sharpton and many more

  4. "You are correct, Sir!" in my best Ed McMahon.

  5. For another view from right after it happenned.

  6. Who actually cares about that shite these days and how could anyone believe what they are “releasing“ is within several football ovals of the truth. Seriously? The CIA / FBI / etc is going to admit they killed JFK ????? As IF they would do that because the Donald said they had to . . . . For a start - they would NEVER admit MURDERING A PRESIDENT in a govt record in any way shape or form EVER. It’s more entertainment for the masses of imbeciles. That is all.

  7. I think the shot from the front right was more challenging. Certainly less time to line up. A lot of activity around too.
    I doubt we get much more than we know now about the murder itself. No one will confess, nothing is written down and those involved are mostly dead.

  8. Fuck it. I just want to know for the hell of it.
