Saturday, January 11, 2025

Chinook City


We’re chinooking again up here. It was above freezing last night. You can curl on the street in front of my house. Sights like these are common when the roads polish up.

Years ago I was in Acheson (an industrial subdivision just west of Edmonton) and knocking off early for the day - hoping to get ahead of the snarled traffic that was sure to form the icy roads. I crept out onto the Yellowhead (Hwy 16 East)… and not much more than a mile down the road you could see a pile up like this. There were red and blue lights blinking everywhere in the distance and you had to know it was serious. I just sighed and slowed down. 

An angry blast of a trucker’s air horn scared the shite out of me as an 18 wheeler blew past, with a filthy angry pajeet at the wheel. I guess I was in his way. Then another big truck whizzed by. And another. Then a bunch of cars zipped by… all of them giving poor ol’ man Filthie the stink-eye for being so slow. When I drew up on the pile up… it was total carnage, getting worse by the second. The stinky pajeet locked his brakes up, his truck jack knifed and flew into the ditch sideways. The kabob behind him did the same, as did the truck behind him. Then all the other morons behind them slid into the mess and started bouncing off wrecks and spinning across the road. I slowly threaded my way through it, with one eye glued to the rear view so as not to get rear ended as I poked through the carnage… and somehow I got through.

Five minutes down the road, the radio announced Hwy 16 East was closed. Of all the vehicles that had passed me - every single one HAD to have seen the peril ahead. You couldn’t miss it… but not one of those zombies could let up on the gas. Hell’s bells… there were cop squad cars that had gone into the ditch, it was so icy. 

Saturday is going to be a celebration of Darwin and Murphy around here. JL, the ERT and air ambulance guys will be scraping retards and innocents alike off the guardrails. 

If any a you guys are passing by this neck of the woods… do everyone a favour and slow down and try and stay off the main drags.


  1. I did that once, too, in Austin Texas of all places. In the worst possible vehicle, a 60's musclecar with 400+ hp, drum brakes and bald tires. One of those northers had blown thru and there was a super-thin layer of "black ice" on the interstate. I crept thru at all of 5 mph, no throttle, just idling and I threaded the needle between all the other cars playing pinball bouncing off the guard rails and each other. Unreal.

  2. Same thing happening up north. S’posed to be in the 40’s tomorrow… then right back to the - teens by Tuesday. Grab your brush, skip’s calling a draw to the button.

  3. You should see the retardation in Texas when the roads get icy. In our defense, we get ice on the roads maybe once a year
