Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blackman Blasted By Bimbo




Ehhhh… HAR HAR HAR!!!

Gotta love female cops, eh? I shouldn’t be a dink and laugh about it, but the human animal is such an uneducable f-tard that sometimes that’s all you can do! Noggers are fed non-stop propaganda about how white cops are just champing at the bit to shoot innocent black doctors, particle physicists, and dey chilluns. The cops have to put gormless women out on the line confronting the most stupid and violent human animals because women can do anything the guys do, you hatey misogynist bigot!!! And as for Tyrone…? He gets hauled over on a traffic stop, gets hauled outta the car and shot with his own legally acquired pistol. He’s probly the only nig in Florida with a gun permit! HAR HAR HAR!

There’s all kinds of things that stink about this story but there always is about these sorts of things, and you can never trust the media to tell the truth. I get so bored by liars these days.

About the only real question I have is … what kind of holster was Tyrone using?  I really wonder about the wisdom of carrying with one up the spout too…


  1. Yeesh, stay in the kitchen already!

  2. I like how they always throw that "for my own safety" bullshit out there. If it's a traffic ticket, write the damn ticket and let him sit in his vehicle. There's never a situation so bad that the arrival of the po-po can't make it worse.

    Hell, I remember one Cops episode where they confiscated a gun (North American Arms mini-revolver) and couldn't figure out how to unload it. They pass it back and forth, muzzling everyone in sight, one cop even staring down the barrel trying to figure out if it was loaded. Cops have horrible gun handling practices.

    1. Exactly so. You are never in more danger than when in the presence of police officers.

  3. " ... the weapon, identified ... as a Glock ... "
    " ... Cardwell "put pressure on the trigger of the firearm ..."

    Another ND that could have been prevented by an actual safety on the weapon.

  4. The pork are not your friend, they are always looking for an easy bust! Avoid them like the plague, never talk freely with them if they try to engage you in convo. Know your Charter Rights, not that it matters much to them these days. Become an Puffer Fish if threatened with detainment, you want to be the dude they bitch about at the Timmy's not the subject of high fives! That is all!

    Chutes Magoo
