Sunday, January 5, 2025


Back when I was a li’l tardlet… Mohammed Ali was a big supporter of the Special Olympics. He even showed up to box with the tard athletes and one day he got KTFO’d 20 times and all the little gimps got a Gold Medal for knocking out The Champ. ((The Champ had an IQ of 79 himself and probably eligeable to compete in the Special Games himself, HAR HAR HAR!!!!)(yes I know I shouldn’t pick on retards))…

I think Biden gave medals to Soros, Cankles Clinton, Chutes Magoo and Satan..? And all the bums stood up solemnly to receive their accolades and pretended to ignore the tards in the audience that roared with laughter and threw popcorn… πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

The left seems to destroy everything they lay a hand to in this way. Barkie Obutthole got a Nobel for being a black baboon. They gave one of those to Yassir Arafat of the PLO too. The movies got their awards totally obliterated long ago. Today the Oscars go to an endless boring procession of jewish pedophiles, black  morons, and bitchy harridans. They used to have all kinds of shows where they give themselves awards… the Emmy’s, the Tony’s, the Grammies… I think most of them went away when people lost interest.  

A decade ago it woulda ground my gears to watch those shitheads hollowing out yet another award that used to recognize merit. But now…? A vegetable handing out fake medals to his pals just makes me laugh. Everything these clowns do is a joke, and they get funnier as Blumpf’s inauguration draws near. Once the adults are in charge… to quote Dirty Harry… “These people will dry up like old dog shit and blow away…”. 

Hey, Joe! Ya forgot to give Kamala one too! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘


  1. Do you have a source for Ali.s IQ?

  2. Just like obozo getting the nobel piece prize, it is a farce and shamefully irreverent. It makes past awardees look like chumps. It was an embarrassment to our nation.
