Monday, December 9, 2024

The Filthie Historian: An Outhouse Symposium

I am not an historian. My skill sets are limited to puttering, loitering and outdoor plumbing. I welcome any and all fact checking and correction by my fellow Emisarries From Heaven. 

In a nutshell, socialism is pretty much communism with a smiley face on it

Almost always - socialism degrades into full communism, usually by violent revolution that has historically killed hundreds of thousands in Africa, millions in Europe, and tens of millions in China. Are we agreed so far? I would add that a (((certain tribe of bad actors))) are often central to these things but they are often present in unprecedented numbers of other government methods too, I suppose. 

But I digress. Suffice it to say that socialism always devolves into communism and produces grinding poverty, and intrusive, abusive authoritarian gubbimint. Historically there have only been two successful alternatives to communism in the last 150 years too.

American capitalism - which is withering under direct assault from traitors within the govt, with (((a certain tribe of bad actors))) occupying key roles in the effort.

Just as socialism inevitably devolves into communism, it seems that Capitalism may devolve into oligarchy and monopolies. The survival of American capitalism is very much in doubt going forward. 

The second alternative to communism…

Oh boy. I don’t think these bubblegummers are hailing Emporer Filthicus of Rome…

The late and great Uncle Bob used to say that women are fascists and socialists by nature. They are definitely NOT American capitalists by nature. The American founding fathers understood this and wisely precluded their involvement in govt and positions of authority. HAR! Good times….

Women have never been more unhappy and angry than North American women today. 25% are on prescription antidepressants and psychotropic drugs. They are utterly failing in the workplace and in the home - assuming they can afford a home and family - they are murdering their own babies, and divorcing their husbands and families. Oddly enough, a fair number of the big names in the murderous 5th wave feminist movement are from a certain tribe of bad actors that have establish a lot of influence with the modern troubled American woman.

You can hear the devil laughing from here…

I wish Bob were alive today. Whadda we gonna do, Uncle Bob…? Have I gotten anything wrong here…?



  1. Women by virtue of biology are risk-adverse. God's plan for reducing risk is to have a man and a woman as the keystones of the family. When you remove the man, the risk rises about 20 fold. "Socialism" promises to reduce risk. A steady welfare check or forced child-support payments seems like a better deal that a guy comes home after working, fishing and drinking beer and farting.

  2. It's not easy being a Notzee, but I'm working on it. So much lost, forbidden knowledge, history.
    Has (((Clown World))) been lying to us about EVERYTHING (and censoring)?! Why yes, yes they have.
    Thanks for your soap box, Town Crier Filthie!

  3. Adolph was an alternative to Communism like Shiites are an alternative to Sunnis, or Crips to Bloods. Fundamentally the same damn thing.

  4. amen, it is National Socialism.It's right in the name

  5. "We're not secretly in charge of this town. And if you say we are, we'll make sure you never get work here again!"

  6. "The goal of Socialism is Communism"
    - Vladimir Lenin
