Friday, December 27, 2024

Space Monkeys


Wait a minute…!

No, it doesn’t!


  1. Pretty sure that asshole never said that as at least in recent history, he has been the one full of shit. He has said that there needs to be a "consensus" in science. Ah, that's not how that works and ranks right up there with "the science is settled".
    Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
    If I remember correctly, Bill Marr was trying to pull him back to sanity (his version anyway) on some topic, and he wouldn't budge. If Bill Marr is trying to pull you back?? LOL.


    1. I think he’s the token nigger of astrophysics, myself.

  2. given he boasts of his “science literacy”, esp. compared to us dweebs…
    how does he not recognize he admits he is
    FOS ( though, we’ve long known that?


  3. DeGreasy is a total False Information (mis/dis info) shill for the Matrix illusion/delusion, propaganda Industry. Otherwise, he's probably a fin...a dick.
    Hmm, that didn't exactly flow very well, but that's it in my nut shell.

  4. Neil is one of the stupidest A holes "acting" as a scientist. He's right up there with Bill Nye "the Science Guy". Both establishment paid douchebags. DG

  5. Nobody gives a rats ass what the "Manager Of The Planetarium Gift Shop" says. He has absolutely ZERO professional accomplishments to his credit. Brian May...the guitarist for Queen has accomplished more in the field of AstroPhysics.

    1. Yep. I think Neil is full of sheeeeit….😂

  6. There used to be good science communicators. Julius Sumner Miller comes to mind. He was a different breed from what we have today.
