Saturday, December 28, 2024

It’s That Time A Year, Fellas…

I am going to start acting my age this year. I got in chit from the doctor on boxing day because apparently my blood is full a triglycerides. I don’t trust these idiotic bimonthly blood tests they’re doing on me… I think it has the feel of a grift. After Covid I don’t trust any of those medical arseholes, and I think they’re more concerned with pushing drugs and pharmaceuticals than they are with health.

I think though, that 2025 might be a good year to stop doing things too. I am seriously going to stop giving a f*** about a great many things. This morn I was on Oytube going through my camping, RC, and gun toobers when this one comes on about Justin Turdo… and the lisping fairy starts gushing about how Christmas time is a time to come together, get along, bury old grievances… and I damn near threw my iPad in the garbage. Prime Minister Faggot Face has alienated the crap out of Canadians and even his own party hates him now and wants him gone. But he’s currently skiing in BC for the holidays on the tax payer’s dime… and… I gotta stop letting stuff like that get to me. In the future I’m going to make it a priority to make my computer time more constructive. My only business on Jew Toob should be hobbies, learning how to cook or do household repairs… constructive stuff. Just as I gotta start watching what I eat…I gotta watch who I let into my conscious airspace. The world is going mad again…and I don’t want to go with it.

Whadda YOU gonna start - or stop doing in 2025?


  1. Im going to make a point of avoiding all retarded animals like this MFR.

  2. Follow this dude, he'll get you squared away in no time!! All the best in the New Year ya bat fastid!!

    Chutes Magoo

  3. Filthie for much of my life I was a news junky but when I hit 50 I realized all of this BS was pissing me off, raising my blood pressure yet nothing was changing rather things were getting worse.
    So, I've limited my political news reading and listening to political talk shows greatly. Instead I focus on hobbies, history, travel and chasing the wife around the house. It has made me a lot happier and my blood pressure is down.

  4. I feel your pain, Glen. Our "president" is vacationing AGAIN, this time in the U.S. Virgin Islands. ...He probably thinks he can find a new virgin there to replace his former babysitter/current wife.

    Like you, I want to stop giving a shit, but my patriot DNA just won't let that happen. That being said, I'm getting old, and will make it one of my New Year's Revolutions :) to pick my battles. There's only so much the likes of us can do, Old Man...

  5. I just got thru getting all the empty boxes out of the attic and then down the stairs so the wife can begin putting up the Christmas decorations. And I'm completely winded. So I gotta start getting some exercise. I may not watch what I eat, but I also plan on eating less. Fewer calories in, more calories burnt, gotta help some. So there's my main 2025 plans. I got a few others, like go fishing more and drinking less, but the main one is get back in shape.

  6. Fuck the bullshit.
    Lose weight, walk two or three miles a day.
    Do not give up beer or bourbon.
    Enjoy a smoke.
    Love your woman, let her know what she is to you.
    Thank the Lord for your blessings.
    Appreciate what you have, not what you want.
    Family is not blood, love those that love you.
    Keep on keepin on.


    1. Best advice I've read in a long time.
      Thank you.

  7. Idea! how about stop supporting and funding the demon controllers who own goo-gull, bookface, jootoob etc by using the not-shitbag owed alternatives. Or, just get a saner life by boycotting all that shit altogether. Sometimes the most effective way to fix a problem is to stop participating in the problem.

  8. I'm going to stop giving a shit anymore. The US has no truly elected Government. It has instead a criminal organization which acts AS a government. La Kosher Nostra Satanic Death Cult Shadow Government,

  9. I'm going to try and donate blood about 6 times this year. My triglycerides are high. I give blood and they go down because I physically get rid of them without doing drugs to make it happen forcing my body to make new blood. It helps me and some old sod/sot who needs blood. A win for all.

  10. I agree with your suspicions. Having been employed in american “ healthcare” since 1974, I have my own contrary ideas.

    May I suggest watching Barbara O’neal (sp).
    Dr Robert Young
    Dr Ardis
    possibly Dr Tom Cowan
    for starters?

    I would also like to suggest reading Deuteronomy and Leviticus re: foods and principles.

    G-d created a magnificent object in our physical bodies. The power of healing can be (if allowed/assisted) quite extraordinary.

    just my 2 cents…


  11. Dear Dr Filthie,

    Them there triglycerides a-circulating in yer bloodstream are simply BRAIN FOOD! And LEG FOOD too, for your hikes with the NIGLET.

    You need them and that's why you ate the steak and the bacon, because your DNA told ya to. Fer crying out loud it's winter in frickin ALBERTA and if ya don't eat those lovely things you'll not see the spring.

    The entire constriction of "TRIGLYCERIDES BAD" is simply meant to cripple the manliness in all of us, including the wimmins.

    Carry on!

    An old biochemist who can read the metabolism charts thanks to Dr Melvin Calvin (not an MD, either one of us)
