Sunday, December 1, 2024

I Wonder If There’s Any Links Or Commonalities Between These Criminals?



  1. Hmmm...let me guess...the men all wear funny hats?

  2. Why, whatever do you mean? They just look like 5 normal people. I mean, depending on circumstances, they could be white, ethnic, tribal, or otherwise. I don't see anything that might connect them. By the way, might want to check the water in the well first before drinking, they tend to poison those things on a regular basis, they do.

  3. Just because the majority are obviously Jewish, and the minority is probably Jewish that doesn't mean the Jews are involved. Evidence is anti-Semitic, Hitler used evidence you monster.

  4. "We don't secretly run this town, and if you say we do, we'll make sure you never get work here again!"
