Here in Aaadmontin the best local gun builder is Karl Schmidt. He runs a respectable machine shop that does mostly oilfield work but custom gun and gun smithing when the patch is slow. Years ago he made me a scope mount for a Ruger Single Six. I put a Leupold 2X on it… and that thing is a pocket rifle. It has interchangeable cylinders for .22 LR and .22 Magnum. But - I digress. Back then Karl could do work like that - if you had the $$$$.
He had built a .22 rifle for his 5 year old son that he kept on display for the customers. The tiny rifle was magnificently executed with wood and fit and finish to rival WL Emery’s big Rigby rifles. It was a work of art and obviously a labour of love.
Any chit house .22 bolt rifle will probably be more accurate than that sweetheart above. But obviously…that is not the point. A summer afternoon, with a cooler of pop and a pocketful of shells in Gopher Town where the shots are close and fast… gawd, this thing would be right at home.
Y’know… the Ruger .22 auto pistol looks similar to the Luger… I wonder if this concept would work well with that? I bet Karl could do it…provided it was worth his time…
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