Friday, December 13, 2024

From The Retard Children’s Television Workshop

 Relevant news and educational content for retards, stubfarts, bearded harridans and emotionally stunted deplorables with unacceptable opinions! Let’s get started!


Today they operate in broad daylight…

Careful Don. He’s a crotch sniffer too…

When you win too many Fart Games

From Russia with love…

Charity begins at home…

I’m gonna have to figure out 4 Chan one day… 

The more we learn about chimp behaviour, the more we learn about

Did he have a bubble machine? And come on Sunday afternoons?

Back when crime didn’t pay…

Remember, men: don’t wipe with the sports section…! 

Christmas Day sportzball…

Now imagine if a Biden, or a Turdo got shot… and the rest of them
started taking the hint…?


  1. Where do I sign up for the Lawrence Welk cash? Every damn Sunday night at my grandparent’s.

  2. I don't know anyone who is happy when they call or deal with their medical insurance. I think this guy snapped and decided to do something about it. It is hard to not sympathize and I'm not that surprised people are contributing to his defense.

  3. Great educational content! How did I miss this yesterday? Oh yeah, Imma tard.
