Saturday, December 14, 2024

Another Indicator Of Crazy?


Is an over abundance of jewelry another
Indicator of female craziness?

And the carefully manicured claws? 


  1. Many men have abundant plumage too in the form of tattoos

  2. It could be for men too? I can see a little bit of elegant jewelry, or maybe a unit tattoo for the squaddies… but excessive plumage seems to be a stability indicator in guys too maybe…

  3. Yes. Yes, it is. I submit for your consideration my sister-in-law whose appendages unequivocally resemble those. Top left on the hot/crazy matrix.

  4. Ostentatious, narcissist. Or maybe just likes to get duded up.
    I never wore a ring. My 10th-12th grade auto shop teacher showed us industrial, safety photos of after-stripped fingers, complete with ring. The Air Force, aircraft tech school showed me lots more. After I showed some to my wife, she had no problem with no wedding ring. No jewelry of any kind. Oh wait! Dog tags in the AF. After the AF, one dog tag went into my wallet, I've been addicted to G forces my whole life and shit happens. Did it for the wife, she'd want to know if that burnt, charcoal, mass of mess was me or not. I'm considerate like that.

  5. Yes, and also rings on the thumbs or toes.

  6. could be that she (or he) with silver jewelry is a prepper and knows it will have value anywhere at anytime; like the pirates. IMHO, of course.

  7. As unappealing as the overload of baubles are, they pale in comparison to nasty ass dreadlocks, tats, piercings and gross "pig nose rings". Ew. Ruins even the most attractive gals for me. DG

  8. Here in Australia, the women who wear large rings or worse - multiple large rings - are 99.999% likely to be dykes. Haven’t noticed this with other forms of jewellery, but rings on her fingers are a dead giveaway.

  9. I hung out with one of those bejeweled and tattooed gals Saturday eve. I hate to admit it but she was still hot. I know better and will not go back I promise.
