Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Yeah - About That…


If some bubble gumming bubble butted blonde bubble head does it,
it’s juuuuuuuust FINE.

And if I forget to put on my pants,
I get thrown in the can for 60 days!!!


  1. Seems like a completely fair distinction to me, ya Filthie animal!

  2. To be fair, she does have a far cuter bubble than you (or I, for that matter) have, my friend. I could even overlook the overly expensive ink work given the opportunity. She coulda spent that on something useful tho…ammo or pipe tobacco come to mind…

  3. What a shame she let some imbecile of an autistic lesbian scribble all over her butt. Stuck with that crap for life. The big cheap ring thing seems to indicate rug munching in a lot of the go-grrrls at work too. Grrrr. At least I can’t see a bullring in her nose. Sheeeeit. I need to walk away from the keyboard for while.

  4. I know Glen, it's not fair.

    Dang! You're almost as ugly as me. My condolences.

  5. Life is just not fair for us old fat farts... We were Adonis' at one time in our miserable lives.

  6. Her beard is less grey and better trimmed....

  7. It wouldn't be the sight of your snowblindness-inducing ass that would get you the stint in the Greybar Hotel, Glen. It would be the tattoo!

  8. Glen Filthie- you'll look like you just farted a tablespoon of peanut butter into your drawers.
