Friday, November 15, 2024

Spad To The Bone


It may not look like it - but that is going to be a chit house electric trash flyer for me to play with while I buildout the Dirty Bird and refurb the Turd Bird. The fuselage is merely two carbon fibre arrowshafts with all the junk bolted to it. Wings and control surfaces will be plastic foam board. I have most of the junk to have it flying by next week - or at least attempting a maiden flight. It’s basically an updated alternate to the old Spad RC trash planes. Components are courtesy of my old beloved Crapcopter.

Everything looks straight forward and the only concern I really have is that the guys say the design needs an off-centre thrust line to fly straight. I’m gonna try and fly it with a centre thrust line so we’ll see how that works.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Jeez, you keep posting this crap and you gonna entice me back into the game. I ain't got the money for yet another hobby!! Please for the love of God STOP!

    Some years ago when I was poor and the wife and I were, uh, not exactly happy with each other, I spent quite a bit of time putting together those balsa and tissue paper models with rubber band power. I could get them to flow the length of the yard or more, fairly straight. I found building them more fun than flying. After a few flights I'd toss it on the campfire and start a new one. Therapeutic in a way. I just finished a new workbench, now I need something to use it for. Dang.
