Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Gear For A Picnic In The Fallout Zone

Y’know, back in the day our gun club was a running chit show. Our club execs were at each other’s throats. The reason, I suspect, was that they’d aged out. Past a certain age, some old men (and sometimes women) just get bitter and twisted and they aren’t happy if they aren’t fighting with someone. The guys in our club were running around in Velcro shoes, they didn’t shoot anymore, and their internecine battles with each other started driving the members nuts. They’d see a black rifle on the range and phone the cops, saying that there were machine guns on the line. They’d try to undermine each other’s projects. One of our execs got one of the ranges shut down on a fake safety complaint and dealing with it cost the club thousands and took our main centrefire rifle range out for a month while the lawfare and red tape raged. I think that was the last straw, in the next election every single one of those guys were challenged in the club’s yearly elections, and every single one of them were voated the hell out. Ordinarily I don’t vote but that year I did. No one was happy about it; a lot of those guys had been members in good standing for decades. It was just grumpy old men being grumpy old men, and that shit has no place in a serious organization. 

I wonder if Biden’s decision to keep poking the Russian Bear isn’t a similar situation? Like those miserable old bastards at the gun club, a fight like that hurts the youngsters the most, will accomplish nothing, and will hurt us as much as them. With leaders like Joe…we’ll deserve it to, because we voated for him (allegedly, I know…). Starting a conflict in the Kraine didn’t make sense, and escalating with Russia doesn’t either.

I know we’re supposed to respect our elders but when they can’t do the job anymore, you grab some spine, you drag the old horses out to pasture and they just have to seal with it. Most of them actually like it once they’ve been there awhile. If you DON’T deal with them…everyone will end up wishing you had. Old Joe is flirting with nuclear war and either doesn’t know it or doesn’t care. Ditto for all the other problems he’s created.

Oh well. If Joe pushes the button, WL and I will be hunting exotic radioactive monsters in Africa’s glassed  Savannah lands.

Maybe the mutant elephants will be hunting us…?

And Joe will be eating ice cream and mush in a deep bunker under a mountain… but…this is just fine! 

What’s on TV?



  1. Same happened at my range, and since the turd™ OIC'd my gahtts, I and a few fellers decided we needed an safe space away from the fags, larpers and pork that frequented our once great club. We created an excellent range to do run downs on reactive targets, far from any road, it lets us practice moving recce style to the firing line as an added bonus!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. Part of it is fear, the are afraid that they will be forgotten as soon as they die and in many cases that is true. They start trying to find 'issues' they can fix.

    I had an old fart near me cut a tree down on my property. His logic was he was sure i had said i wanted it gone. Which i never did. It was a lovely 8ft lilac tree. Wife wont let me challenge him to a duel. He's in his 70's a lefty who never had kids for fear of overpopulation and now they have no kids or grandkids and as his siblings have died lost contact with nieces and nephews. They are afraid and alone


  3. Reminds me of Niven and Pournelle's Footfall where alien elephants invaded the Earth

  4. I was a member in good standing of a local ham radio club for several years. One day, as I was heading home from work, talking to a couple of other hams on the club's VHF repeater, the "president" of the club got on and started ranting about us taking up the repeater during "commute hours." Never mind the fact that there were pretty much only two commuters active in the club, me being one of them, the rest of the members being thoroughly retired. Being that all but a few of us were members of the local LDS church and were outnumbered, we bailed on both the repeater and the club. Weeks later the "vice president" of the club contacted me and tried to cover for the "president's" behavior, claiming that his diabetes had gotten to his brain and made him "erratic." She also said she'd heard the entire exchange on the day in question. I questioned her, saying "You KNEW the "president" of the club was impaired and didn't step in to have him removed? You HEARD his entire rant and said NOTHING at the time? GEE! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!" She said she didn't have the heart to challenge him...

    This incident covered all the bases. You DON'T want someone in charge who's mentally impaired. You DON'T want to be in a club that's dominated by another organization having nothing to do with the focus of the club. And with VERY rare exception, you DON'T want a WOMAN, she being ruled by emotion and "feelings," to be in charge of ANY organization!

  5. In the “good old days” of the Cold War our liberal politicians were in love with the Soviet Union. They would honeymoon there, vacation and protest against their own nation while visiting that now dead Marxist Utopia. They hated Reagan and thought he was a fool for thinking he could go against the future of world government. Rather than confront the Soviets, we needed to be more like them. These radicals form the Cold War are now in charge and they never forgave Russia for rejecting Marxism, which they have been slowly implementing here in the West. This rejection is the ultimate heresy and Russia must be destroyed and made an example of to the rest of the world.

  6. Britain and now France are also launching long range missiles into Moscow.

  7. The same thing happened at Adams Conservation Club. The old timers pissed off one too many people, then a new president got elected somehow. He was a thirty something cop and tried to intimidate me at the firing line of the pistol range, which was a mistake on his part. Then there was one a-hole that tried to get the club closed down over a 'safety violation', probably similar to yours as it involved an outdoor range, and they expelled him. Next election, all were voted out. After that, the place was a lot friendlier.

    Biden has dementia, anything he does has to be filtered through that. Kommie-ta-ta is just plain old stump dumb. Any meeting with any foreign dignitary would leave with the official calling Putin with the message, "I gotta tell ya, you said it, I didn't believe it, but now? Now I think you were trying your best to be kind and tactful."

    That leaves the moonbat running the country (I suspect the Ayatollah Obongo) trying to do as much damage as possible before Trump takes office.

    Africa? Maybe, but I'm thinking South East India, somewhere on the coast, as a valid alternative.

  8. War with Russia makes plenty of sense. Slavs killing each other makes plenty of sense too. For the people behind it, and I don’t mean Obama. This crap is a Kaganite (neocon) op. They hate Slavs in general, Russia in particular, and they hate us (US and Canada) as well. Not that we should feel special. They hate everyone and everything not Them.

    Like rust, they never sleep. Unlike rust, they’re not a natural, morally-neutral process. They’re driven by resentment and malice.

    1. Roger that! Kill a Commie for mommy ( and the world)!
