Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Disaster In The Littlest Hangar In The World

How it looks to normal people…

How it looks to me…😭😭😭😭

Well that’s two weeks shot to shit!🀬🀬🀬

But… shit happens! We’ll be fab up another one twice as fast as the original now that I know what I’m doing. Have no fear!!! 

Come spring, the Dirty Bird will be ready for its maiden flight, and the Turd Bird will be re-motored with a 2 cycle gas engine. 

AND - if I can keep up production… I might have a small electric Slow Stick build too…

Updates to follow as applicable…



  1. Its fine, a little glue and some fill, will be right as rain. Just pretend your a boeing employee.


  2. Lots of damage from just sitting on a table. Perhaps there is more to the story? Did Snoopy fly by on a low level strafing run? By the way, have you s**t canned that old drill yet? What is the battery voltage?

    1. It was all pilot error, S. a combination of retardation and stupidity. 😞

      I still have the old drill too! 😑😑😑 Thanks for reminding me!!! That thing goes in the garbage today, with all the batteries and the charger!!! There is sloppiness and poor self discipline creeping into my life and shop… and it has to stop. All three of my batteries are pooched…off they go…

  3. Ouch. I'm sure the oaths uttered at the time of the event were colorful and monumental. I do say though, I'm thinking that's none too bad and not beyond repair. Particularly pursuant to your skill level which is impressive.

    I say go for it.

    1. Nope, I’m scrapping the entire wing… it’s just drudge work at this point and I have lots of time… but I learned a lot from all this too…

  4. Ahh, "tis nothing but a flesh wound."

  5. If it’s just those 5 ribs, cut the forward spars inboard & outboard of the section of bad ones, pop the ribs out of the aft spar & just replace the bad ribs & fwd spar sections. Scarf joint the forward spars & splice plate the joint. Reference FAA AC 43-13.1b, Chapter 1, Section 4. You can pull that up as a PDF from faa.gov. I’ve made that repair a few times on wood spar wings.

    1. I’m feeding it to the fire pit as a sacrifice to the aviation Gods P2. I’ve got my hands full just keeping the CA out of my nose, eyes and other orifices. I don’t even know what a scarf joint is… but thanks for bringing it up! I will do some reading as you suggested… I have so much to learn…

  6. Karma for your Glock bashing Filthie?

    Confessions of a Glock 19: It’s Lonely at the Top
    H/T Wirecutter

    1. I dunno - it’s possible? God doesn’t talk to me and I’m lucky just see a hint of my Maker in motion.

      I think all my Glock ignoramia is probly being punished by Darwin and Murphy…
