Sunday, October 20, 2024

Three For Three


I did all those and plus a few more. In my teens, I went pro and became a blastoline-powered crash test dummy that left craters and made the very earth tremble!!! That continued until my early 20s when I had a minor wipe out on the murdercycle - I was horsing around on a construction site when I took a jump… the bike and I got separated on the way down. I was fine afterward, the bike was fine… but I began to think this stuff wasn’t as fun as I thought it was, and I settled down.

I wonder what childhood injuries and traumas look like today? 

“My milk curdled when a bad man misgendered me and got my pronouns wrong!!!” 😭😭😭

“I didn’t even get a participation trophy!!!” 😭😭😭

“My parents won’t let me get a sex change!!!” 😭😭😭

“My parents DID let me get a sex change!!!” 😭😭😭

“Will no one think of the children…?!?!?”

No. No, methinks not…


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