Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sunday Heckler & Cack


Weisenheimer kraut scum.

If you want thee BEST in plastic fantastic the HK USP pistols
are the best of the bunch.
And before some hare lipped retard says it - no your 
Glock comes nowhere even close!


The only downside to HK is the company management.
Old fags like Kim du Toit used to say,
“HK - because we hate you, and you suck…”

Welp, HK hates ya right back and ain’t shy about saying so!
If we’re gonna be honest around here…
Ya BOTH suck!


  1. The classic post on this from Larry Correia.

    1. I like Larry, but he was a gun clerk. He shoots off his mouth well so everyone thinks he’s knowledgeable too. Apparently he played a mean game of Three Gun, shooting impossibly large targets at impossibly close ranges that don’t shoot back. To him there is no real difference between a chit house AK and a boutique high end AR.

      The reason HK charges more is that their guns are built by Germans, not some half starved chink or East Bloc slave labour. Their QA/QC is superior, which adds to the cost. It’s also why the real operators use them - you aren’t going to cheap out on a caribiner, or a pack, or a compass that you will have to stake your life on. You sure as hell won’t cheap out on your pistol. Larry sold bargain basement guns, so of course, he’s going to advocate for them. Dear gawd - a Russian PPsH? Better than an MP5? The guy’s on drugs.

      As for his treatise on the USP pistols… yes, they have heavy military triggers on par with any other military gun. Even so it’s superior to that of a Glock. They are not gritty and they break like a glass rod. Clean your gun, Larry. Yes, they are full size military guns. If you want a pocket gun, buy one. As for cost… see above. Gotta problem with your Chinese 9mm? Gun clerks like Larry will shrug and tell you to buy a new one. If you buy a new USP from his competitor… you WONT have problems in the first place. They virtually come out of the box as match guns. If you want a REAL beef about the HK USP … it’s the polygonal rifling in the barrel. Most people have no issues with cast lead fouling in their guns… but I did. It took lots of solvents, scrubbing and road rage to get it out too! The company (and I) do not recommend the use of cast lead. YMMV. I use jacketed ammo in it. You do you.

      It was a bizzare phenomenon at that time. Larry, Kim du Toit and Tam, the Mad Ogre… they fancied themselves and positioned themselves as the coolest of the cool gun bloggers. Their message was intensely popular. “Your bargain basement gun is just as good as the needlessly high priced stuff!!!” The Mad Ogre hated the AR15. But what happens? A couple years later he’s schtumping boutique AR15s and Tam is posing with them.

      At the time guns were still in the realm of ‘you get what you pay for.’ That is starting to change though, 15 years later. Today, manufacturing costs are going straight down, QA/QC is going straight up… so who knows? Larry and the cool kids may have just jumped the gun a little…by over a decade or so…

  2. HEY! The P7 is OK, the HK 91 is OK. They may have some other OK stuff.

  3. Suck my Glock Filthie!
