Sunday, October 13, 2024

Stupid Old Women


And - when these idiotic women pull the roof down on themselves it’ll never be their fault!!! It’ll be the fault of stupid truck drivers, retired stubfarts, and idiot white men that work for a living…

I wonder how many roofs have to come down on the occupants before the message is finally received and understood…?


  1. If a male ship captain ran his ship aground which resulted in it sinking...he'd be lambasted too. Case in point, the cruise ship, Costa Concordia which sailed closer to an island that it intended and hit rocks which tore up its underside and resulted in it sinking. The captain of that ship was thrown in jail for 16 years for failing to do what ship captains are entrusted/empowered to do. Naval captains are supposed to be more competent. The RCN, because of a lack of ships...are even more brutal with captains who fµck up.

  2. I'm sorry,, but there is just Neaux Fuggin Way I can bring myself to listen to the justification of Why it's Not the Fault of She who was In CHARGE. GAYronGodDammTEEya if a white Christian man had been in charge, it would have been His fault, immediately.

  3. The queer 'captain' probably couldn't make a decent sandwich either. Rules be rules....

  4. So, she was a little premenstrual that day... no.

    If you Skipper a ship, that's it. Whatever happens, for good or ill, lands on your desk and rests squarely on your shoulders. In this case Yvonne Gray should face a court-martial of merciless men, publicly stripped of her rank, and sentenced to twenty years of hard labor.
