Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Stuff Filthie Wants


I want a Schmiesser sub machine gun! I dunno what I’d do with it… but they gotta be one a the coolest subguns ever invented!

It’s one of the very few reasons to shot 9mm - besides the Luger and Mauser C96. I’m sure that with his international connections, WL Emery could get us a couple of crates of these…

Scotty The Retard had a BB gun replica of one and let me shoot it. We found some empty beer cans by the dumpster behind his shop and set them using the dumpster as a backstop…and I got them all with one mag and short bursts from 30 yards away! 


I think there’s a company making semiauto replicas now too.


  1. Dietrich Sport Systeme. Not far from where I am now. A colleague knows the owner, we used to forge trunnions and fire control parts for their stg44, back when they were starting up. Saint Ian of Forgotten Weapons did a tour, and I think also a review of the MP38/40.

  2. Christmas is coming:

  3. about 12-14 years ago, the lady that lived next door told me about the "stuff" her grandfather had hidden in the back closet.
    yeah, a MP-40 with about a dozen magazines in his old duffle bag. she got 2 or 3 gift cards of 50 bucks each for turning it in.
    she like to shit when I told her I would have given her a grand for it. and the damn Philly cops never told her a thing about it
    either. I often wonder what else was in his old duffle bag ?
    I bet that never went to the metal scrapper !
