Monday, October 7, 2024


 Well well well.

This liberal social experiment is ending well inninit? 

As The Compleat Stubfart I have master level seamanship skills. For years I was captain of the HMCS River Pickle and patrolled the lakes in my 9 HP rubber boat looking for fish. But angling that way became more work than fun in time and I gave my boat to Flapz just to get it out of the shed. The prop was chewed to shite from running aground in shallow rivers and lakes and Flapz re-machined it and got a fish finder so that he always knew how deep the water was that he was fishing in.

You'd think a 100 million dollar naval vessel would have a fish finder on board and a retarded stubfart to man it... wouldn't ya...?

The Cnut News Network has half the details you need to know!

I'd say that thing's a wee bit bigger than The Pickle...

Well ya know CNN and the cunned stunts that run it, dontchya? In their world, guns magically go off by themselves,  black crime is gun crime, and it's all Whitey's fault. Their ideology gets gayer and more fake with each passing month, dunninit? 

So who is in charge of this erstwhile expression of New Zealand's naval might?

... that's right! A muff diving diversity hire...

Couple years back I heard that a US destroyer collided with a support vessel in open water on a moonlit night. Turns out the midshipboon was having a hissy with the lady Captain and the cool girls on the bridge... and... crrrrrruuuuuuuuuunnnncccccchhhhhhh!!!!! But I'm sure there were other mitigating factors involved. Diversity is our strength, dontchya know! HAR HAR HAR!!!! HAR HAR HAR!!!

Elsewhere in military news I have been reading about the failure rate on the F35 jump jets. For awhile there, they were falling out of the sky or flipping out on the ground and tearing themselves to shreds. I heard a rumour that a 'statistically significant' number of them were being flown by women at the time of their demise. Now - again - I happen to be something of an expert on VTOL aircraft with my trusty Crapcopters. And before some wank brings it up - that unfortunate incident a couple weeks back at Stubfart Airfield was due to a radio brownout! Anyone who says otherwise is a damned liar!!!!!


A hundred years ago, Canada bought an obsolete moldy old diesel electric submarine. 5 nautical miles out, someone left a hatch open in high seas, the boat got swamped, and a debilitating electrical fire broke out. The sub and crew had to be towed back to the docks for medical treatment and repairs. I always thought it was the fault of some pipe-polishing fwenchman that left the hatch open... I wonder if a diversity hire was involved with that incident too...?

Call me crazy... but I think I see a pattern developing. Whatever could this mean...?

1 comment:

  1. Canada was so desperate to have a female F18 pilot that they pushed her through even when she failed some of the tests that a male would have been washed out over. Eventually the forces quietly promoted her out of a cockpit and to a desk knowing that when she killed herself it would ve a PR nightmare.

