Thursday, October 17, 2024

No Mercy For Old People


What is it with fuggin Donks
and elder abuse?
They did it with Ginsburg and Biden too.

There was a time when Jimmeh shoulda been
rammed down the bore of a canon and fired
at the Iranians.

Is there a statute of limitations on such things?
Looking at that…
He should be parked beneath a shady tree, or by
a sunny window, and be allowed to drift
away in peace.

That’s not Jimmy, that is a corpse.


  1. They don't even have the decency to wait until after he is dead to get his vote.

  2. Dead people have been voting democrat for a very long time. How else do you think they can do such a terrible job, sell access to power, become multi millionaire's and stay in office?

  3. Democrats are obsessed neurotics who have just one objective in their pathetic lives. They see no reason to negotiate or compromise. They eat, breathe and sleep 24/7 concocting ways to Blitzkrieg, destroy and, crush their enemies by any and all means necessary.
