Sunday, October 27, 2024

I Want One…



  1. Odd that you would post this picture. I was just thinking about this this week. In 1961, when I was 10, we took a family vacation from Florida out to California to see relatives. We drove an un-airconditioned car across the desert. These things were common then. People hung them on the front of the car and the evaporation from the water that made it through the canvas cooled the contents.

  2. Man, I had one of those in the 1980's. Left in the shade, suspended to let the wind hit it, the drink was cool but far from cold. Manual labor provides the flavor - that was good stuff !

    I keep an plastic former tea container in my truck. Half gallon so as to use for carrying I keep meaning to sew a heavy canvas cover for it to help prevent punctures. But not a true wicking product as shown above.
