Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Fromage Au Cottagé

 Bet ya didn’t know I was multilingual, didjya? During my frequent trips to The Dark Continent on Safari with world famous explorer, adventurer, novelist and Man About Town - WL Emery - I learnt to speak all the languages the lower order primates used. When I was diving into shark filled waters with his expendable sons - Phillipe and Falco - I learnt to speak The Coward’s tongue from Jacques Clouseau himself! But there I go… name dropping again. Long story short… that’s fwench for “keep it”.

Not many people know this but the Calypso was a fwench garbage scow. I’ve admonished WL constantly about the shabby people he chums around with… but that guy will drink with anyone!

Remind me to tell the story about how WL and Jacque 
went 20,000 leagues under the sea to loot the Titanic.
They found a crashed WW2 German 
sub and were so loaded - they brought up a live anti-ship mine.
Falco, Phillipe and I nearly blew our 
nards off disarming it!

But I digress. One day I was going to buy a fancy fountain pen for Big Bro’s hoity toity wife and I went into a fancy stationary store. They had fountain pens costing $400.00!!! I nearly fell over - and that was back in the 90’s before our faggot faced swine minister turned the Canadian dollar into a peso! 

Back when I still did pens and had to forge WL’s signature for liquor store receipts  the nicest pens I could find were these guys:

I threw every last beshitted Bic in my possession in the garbage and went with these guys. Ya buy a pack of them for $10.00. When it was warm out Bics blew up in my pockets. When it was cold - they froze. These guys did too but not as badly. I’ll say it again for the tards in the cheap seats!

The best writing implement developed by man is the Staedtler 2mm mechanical pencil. They’re still about $15.00 ~ $20.00 bucks, they write like a dream, and the biggest problem you’ll have is people wanting to walk away with them.


Go ahead. Treat yourself! They have a built in sharpener up top… but the big sharpener in the pic is a joy to use when you’re back in the office, and they work in any climate. A package of leads will last ya a couple years too! 

Even WL is on them now. When he is sober enough to write, you can bet his manuscripts, memoirs and accounts are written in pencil! 

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