Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Don’t Get It…

 Probly never, ever will. The theory I’ve heard is that at the end of the war, the vets, the civvies, the wives and families looked around at the the losses, the rubble and ruin from the war… and couldn’t wait to hand in their guns and never touch them again. My grandad was like that when he came home from WW1…

But… to me that’s exactly the reason you keep them and hang on to them. Govts go off the deep end, people form mobs and go mad, the world turns upside down. 

A guy has to be prepped. Or so I would think…?


  1. When I was a young one, there were stories upon stories that fueled out dreams.

    "That old military base from WWII that was closed years ago? At the end of the war they buried crates and crates of brand new Garands cause they didn't need them anymore. All we need to do is sneak on base with metal detector and shovels!"

    Or, "my Dad's friend's uncle who was in WWII came back from Germany with a dozen Luger pistols he traded booze to get. He passed last month and his widow is trying to get rid of them. She'll let the whole lot go for just a hundred dollar bill."

    Every other week there was a new rumor, never confirmed and no matter how long I asked and searched, never could find no secret stash of WWII weapons.

    I just can't see staring at that big pile of seized and surrendered weapons and not picking up a few pieces for myself. I mean, why not?

    That said, a friend said his grandfather was that way - after the war he never touched another weapon. Never spoke a harsh word, never raised a fist. He raised cattle but could never bring himself to butcher them - had to pay others to round them up and take them to the slaughterhouse. Said he never wanted to see violence again.

  2. There are plenty of barn-finds out there. Besides....by the time you need one, you'll find one laying around. If you are capable and worthy...

  3. I have a theory:

    Just as our generation has been soaking in DEI and communism since kindergarden, that generation was steeped in "duty" and "my country, right or wrong".... so...

    When they went to war, they followed orders, no questions asked... and the orders... eventually became evil incarnate... and they followed their orders, instead of their consciences.

    They justified this as a one time, neccessary evil to put down evil, "once and for all". The war to end all wars.

    So when it was all over, the only way to escape the memory of what they had done, was to erase it all. "Nie wieder kreig" Never again, violence has been overcome, we don't need it anymore.

    Magical thinking... but not nearly as stupidly insane as what we have today... just sayin....

  4. I will be adding to the stockpile by picking up RCMP patrol rifles after being abandoned, just like the ARVN did!

    Chutes Magoo

    1. LOL! Sure you will....right after you put down your beer, get off your overfed boomer ass, and leave the house, right?

      Tell you what? You want a patrol rifle, you can have mine...bullets first.

    2. https://youtu.be/pA95aRda9qg

      Chutes Magoo

  5. Prepped? Prepped for what, exactly? Seems to me we already had a taste of what hostiles in government and corporate institutions have in store for us, just a few years back. Most people not only didn't do a goddamn thing - they knuckled under and complied. This includes petty much all the people I knew who used to shoot their mouth off for years on end about this prepping/resist the NWO horseshit.

    So what, it'll be different next time around? Jfc...

    1. I think it was you that sent me on a web search awhile back - it was about psychological experiments they did in the 60s in understanding human behaviour. It was amazing, the things people would do because “someone in authority told them to…”

      I think a lot of us are looking at TPTB … and planning ahead how we’re going to act when our orders conflict with our morality. Or our safety or our interests. A lot of us were caught by surprise by Covid, by our govt and we all reacted badly. I myself couldn’t believe what I was seeing. But I never took that vaccine. I will not comply with unethical govts or orders… same as you.

      I am personally heartened especially by Danielle Smith yesterday. I see pushback in the states too. But who knows? I can’t fed-poast… but I have my own limits, and if I am pushed beyond them… I’ve gotta be prepared to push back.

    2. Yes, I did. The Milgram and Asch experiments. Horrifying, wasn't it?

      This is why I'm so cynical (actually a shade or two darker than that) about what's to come, and how people are going to react. Even now, it's the same idiot talking heads thinking some jerkass politician is gonna come and save the day. Those fucks don't even have their own shit together.

      Even some of the tough guy talk I see online all the time. It's pathetic. I can't help but roll my eyes and be like "yeah, sure...you're gonna knuckle up and take on the state or shoot it out with cops when the shit goes down." Right.

      The vast majority of people I meet can't even take on the meth heads and psychopaths our society produces wholesale that they call stupid assholes like me to come and deal with on a constant basis....and that's when water still comes out of the taps and the lights come on when we flip the switch.

      We do what we must, Glen. But remember there's never a crowd on the extra mile.

    3. Those are the guys, JL. They made for some fascinating study. It made me rethink and reset.

      Unlike guys like General Aesop, I am not going to become Rambo and hunt and kill squaddies and cops as our nation commits suicide. I’m too old, too fat, too slow and I have a conscience. If I have to use my guns it’s because at that point I will be a dead man walking, and my final act of orneriness will be to kill maybe one or two people who’ve been decided to take me out. Maybe I will have to deal with Turdo’s replacement Canadians? Or one of the crack heads that slipped past you? You’d better make it your business that I don’t have to deal with you or vice versa. I intend to die in my own home. Peacefully if I can.

      But I swear this: I am not taking fake vaccines. I am not going to get on a cattle car. If my govt attacks me with evil and lethal intent… the people directly involved will not do so with impunity.

      Trump and PP are not going to save our countries… but maybe they’ll pave the way for the people that do? There’s already a new class of conservatives rising. They are as sick and fed up as you, they are men and women with families and common sense. Things are so bad now that liberals are turning on each other and defecting. I have the highest hopes I never have to use my guns the same way you do. But like you…if I have to…those things WILL come out of their holsters and some random murderous asshole IS going to die.

  6. When things go sideways, and seconds count...
    You will do what you *trained* to do. If you haven't trained since childhood, you'll throw a tantrum and/or break down and cry.
    We can know what's coming, it's happened before.
    Have a plan, and train for it.

    Prepare. Plan. It's coming.
