Sunday, October 27, 2024

Disagreement With The Church: Your Sunday Anti-Semitism


From Blab…

One of the few things that vexes me about our little chapel out in the country is that there is a very mild strain of judeo-Christianity to it. It seems to be that, “Oh - the jews. They’re just sinners like the rest of us! But we are Christians! We have our own spot in the world to worry about and the jews are God’s people too…”  They seem to be firmly on the side of Israel with its conflict in the Gaza too.


Our greatest allies, obviously…
But… if you lie with dogs, you’re gonna get fleas.

Or killed.

I don’t trust anything off a blab farther than I can throw it, so I try to fact check everything. Those verses 
from Acts and Amos are legit.

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, And the star of your god Remphan, Figures which ye made to worship them: And I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Acts 7:43

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Amos 5:26

So… the Star Of Rempham:

Who IS Rempham? 

KJV REMPHAN, rĕm' fen (Acts 7:43). The name of an astral deity associated with the planet Saturn

Saturn is the planet the Edomite Judeans associated with their “god”, now called “Satan”. The Edomites themselves were descendants of the tribe of Esau, who mated with Canaanites, worshippers of Moloch. Moloch is a “Minotaur” demon, half-man, half bull, to which the Canaanites made sacrifices to.

It was like pulling teeth trying to find that last info. Could (((The Establishment))) be aware of this meme and adjusting the search engines to hamper or avoid this line of inquiry? I seem to get that impression.

Symbology is a formerly obscure science made famous by the movie, The Da Vinci Code. It is the objective study of people’s subjective use of symbols. A good example might be this:

That is the ultimate symbol of evil in the world today.
But to certain tribes of pakies it’s a symbol for good luck.
American indians used it as an interesting geometric decoration
in their beadwork.

I suppose that the Star of David and The Star Of Rempham could have become interchangeable in the same way. It’s happened with Christian symbols as well.

A Christian rainbow in the fish symbol…

Gay pride…

I think our churches need to stop worrying about fuggin symbols and start seriously looking at the people they represent. Hell’s bells - Christians know that you can lose and gain God’s grace. The jews have done so repeatedly in the Old Testament. The evidence of their sin is right under our noses every fucken day. They’re committing ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip. They are manipulating us to be their accomplices. They’re actively weaponizing the media against Christians and their values. They’ve actively undermined, corrupted and destroyed classical North American liberalism. People forget that 40 years ago you could have civilized discussions and debates with them. Today they start screaming and sobbing if you use the wrong pronoun. Or if you voat the wrong way. Conservatives are starting to falter too under their influence and threats.

I’m not saying we need to make soap and lamp shades out of them, but these guys aren’t just regular flawed people. I’d have to think about it. Is it jews making liberalism toxic? Or the other way around? Either way, these people are an evil satanic presence wherever they go. 

You do you - but as for me, I will freely associate with who I want, and will dissociate and protect myself from those that I perceive as evil and dangerous. If we’re going to get hung up on symbology… let’s perhaps do a better job of it.

Sorry to be a grump. I think I’m gonna take a pass on church today. The rest a ya’s - by all means go, if you’re so inclined, and make sure to have some fun with the kids or the old folks afterward. Have a good Sunday, and thanks for stopping by.


1 comment:

  1. A Canuck after my own heart. I too will not tolerate the judeo-Christianity. In the past have gotten up during a sermon and loudly proclaimed there is no judeo- anything, we are a Christian church and do not worship satan and his minions and walked out among the surprised and mortified crowd and never went back. This has gotten so pervasive I don't attend any church.
