One of the few things that vexes me about our little chapel out in the country is that there is a very mild strain of judeo-Christianity to it. It seems to be that, “Oh - the jews. They’re just sinners like the rest of us! But we are Christians! We have our own spot in the world to worry about and the jews are God’s people too…” They seem to be firmly on the side of Israel with its conflict in the Gaza too.
It was like pulling teeth trying to find that last info. Could (((The Establishment))) be aware of this meme and adjusting the search engines to hamper or avoid this line of inquiry? I seem to get that impression.
Symbology is a formerly obscure science made famous by the movie, The Da Vinci Code. It is the objective study of people’s subjective use of symbols. A good example might be this:
I suppose that the Star of David and The Star Of Rempham could have become interchangeable in the same way. It’s happened with Christian symbols as well.
I think our churches need to stop worrying about fuggin symbols and start seriously looking at the people they represent. Hell’s bells - Christians know that you can lose and gain God’s grace. The jews have done so repeatedly in the Old Testament. The evidence of their sin is right under our noses every fucken day. They’re committing ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip. They are manipulating us to be their accomplices. They’re actively weaponizing the media against Christians and their values. They’ve actively undermined, corrupted and destroyed classical North American liberalism. People forget that 40 years ago you could have civilized discussions and debates with them. Today they start screaming and sobbing if you use the wrong pronoun. Or if you voat the wrong way. Conservatives are starting to falter too under their influence and threats.
I’m not saying we need to make soap and lamp shades out of them, but these guys aren’t just regular flawed people. I’d have to think about it. Is it jews making liberalism toxic? Or the other way around? Either way, these people are an evil satanic presence wherever they go.
You do you - but as for me, I will freely associate with who I want, and will dissociate and protect myself from those that I perceive as evil and dangerous. If we’re going to get hung up on symbology… let’s perhaps do a better job of it.
Sorry to be a grump. I think I’m gonna take a pass on church today. The rest a ya’s - by all means go, if you’re so inclined, and make sure to have some fun with the kids or the old folks afterward. Have a good Sunday, and thanks for stopping by.
A Canuck after my own heart. I too will not tolerate the judeo-Christianity. In the past have gotten up during a sermon and loudly proclaimed there is no judeo- anything, we are a Christian church and do not worship satan and his minions and walked out among the surprised and mortified crowd and never went back. This has gotten so pervasive I don't attend any church.
ReplyDeleteIt is very mild at my church, C. These guys are biblical men first and foremost, and political animals a distant second. The subject seldom comes up. It is common among such men to be so immersed in faith, that they can’t separate faith and politics. Their grasp on current events can be tenuous at times.
DeleteGood for you, Cederq. I've walked out of a sermon before, and when a church elder asked me why, I told him that the sermon wasn't biblical. He was a bit surprised.
DeleteNo, Glen. No. The swastika isn’t just for “pakies”. It’s an ancient and widely pervasive symbol among the Indo-European peoples (plural), as well as other cultures. For example: the mirror-image of the Mustache Man Bad swastika (sometimes called the “suwastika”) is known as “manji” in Japan. Manji are used on maps to denote temples, the same way we Westerners (used to) put crosses to denote churches. Then the eternally offended go to Japan, see manji on public signs, and demand they be removed because Offended! And Feel Unsafe! And it’s annudah sh… Well, you get the idea.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the six-pointed star goes, it’s the Zoigl brewer’s star. Duh. If other groups want to assign other meanings to it, well, it’s a free country (not really, but that’s the expression).
I won’t comment on the religion part because I have zero religiosity, but on the cultural side, as I’ve said, we’re not “Judeo-Christian” which is Someone self-inserting and claiming not just turf but supremacy (being first, yet). Culturally we are Greco-Romano-Germano-Christian in terms of our laws, philosophy, and overall ethos. Or we were until the last few decades. The current culture of resentment, victimhood, thin-skinned taking offense at everything, whining, psychological projection,, plus sexual deviance and outright perversion? Well, you figger out who that best matches. But it ain’t traditional Western.
I stand corrected, Mike. As we both know, this particular rabbit hole goes straight down, and none of us have any real idea how far down it goes. I utterly reject the revisionist history being impressed upon us but regularly get burned it anyways.
DeleteThe Imperial Japanese killed more people than the Germans. The Communists racked up a body count easily ten times that of the Germans. They killed more jews than the Germans… and yet socialism infests the institutions and is pushed in schools and universities. We aren’t losing just the churches… we’ve list the press, the govt, our families and communities to them. When they finally get spun right up the killing will start again. And the church will sit on its hands, or worse, go along with the bad guys…
Gah. I’ve had to much to think…🤪
I stopped attending when the minister refused to stop our local village idiot from loudly praying for Castro and Che. Never been back.
ReplyDeleteOn the star of david, a quick check says was 1st used by jews in 17 century in prague. Interesting the original Seal of Solomon includes it and those date from 1st century AD... As a method of controlling demons.
I think if one follows the Ten Commandments and avoids the Seven Deadly Sins it is the easiest and simplest way to Gods light, and that Church and the Bible is ancillary.
ReplyDeleteChutes Magoo
Most churches today have been co-opted by the deep state. And since most people do not read God's word (The Bible) they do not even know that they are being lied to. And ignorance is a very strong emotion, so good luck having that conversation.
ReplyDeleteAll that, and so much more. Deep and dark rabbit hole, this topic. The more you learn, the uglier it gets. Our society is hypnotized and programmed to not see these facts and weaponized to shun or punish those who see. Just a matter of time before you and the church go separate ways.
Now do the muslims you pussies! Who straps bombs onto twelve and fifteen year old kids and send them into crowded places to kill not only the children but dozens of the "enemies" of perpetual jihad? Who drives trucks into crowds of innocent people enjoying a downtown attraction and maims tens of dozens who do not profess the faith of the "prophet"? Who beheads captives that profess Christianity? Who "honor kills" their daughters and sisters who dare to marry outside of the edomite "family"? It's not the Israelis who commit these cowardly acts. I don't care what Israel does to it's enemies, but you sure seem to have bleeding heart for the savage offspring of the "ites", the enemies of Israel. At least show the same regard for Abrahams descendants.
ReplyDeleteNow I don't care if you curse and spit on the american jews....they support everything that opposes freedom and morality in America.......they are scum, unless they convert to Christianity and become truly conservative in their political affiliation.
So if you're gonna least swing both ways....
Why bother to “do the Muslims?” The Christian Right is against them. And the prog Left is against them for the mistreatment of women thing. (Even if they love importing them into the West.) Basically no one really wants them around, and no one likes them already.
DeleteThe strong and competent(and ruthless) have fucked over the weak and/or incompetent since forever. That’s what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians. I’m not crazy about that, but it’s the cruel way of the world. What I really don’t like are two things. First, the utter fucking hypocrisy of it all. Using the genocide against your own people as both a sword and a shield against not only your enemies but your “friends”, to guilt/extort money and political top cover, and then pulling that shit on people you find inconvenient is hypocritical. Second, them pulling that shit is morally on them. Us cheering it along and subsidizing it with money and matériel stains our souls too.
People forget that moslems are Semites too. Yes, they’re murderous, savage assholes. That is why we should not be in their lands, and they shouldn’t be in ours. We sure as hell shouldn’t be involved in their inter-tribal conflicts and taking sides. It seems to be a recurring historical theme: people that fancy themselves power brokers seek to use jews to their advantage… and inevitably end up being used by them… badly.
DeleteI seriously wonder sometimes if they are God’s people - or the devil’s.
If you want to go deep - canadian jew, Dr. Henry Makow's website is a one stop repository on the chosen ones.
Dr Filthie,
ReplyDeleteGratitude for your deep dive on the history and provenance of the 6-pointed star as satanic symbolism, and its relation to the swastika. Also consider the word Ashkenazi and the last 4 letters and a lot of recent history.
I am also a friend and follower of Irish, Cederq, TBP and others in this little colloquium. I'll remain anonymous here, elsewhere I am Known Associate. Like you, I used to be a Churchian, though the last 20 years or more, I am simply a follower of Jesus.
Paul is my given name. Formerly the URL for my Real Estate brokerage, now just a blank page that carries my name.
No apology Sir!
ReplyDeleteMany have same/similar thoughts.
fwiw- I think this is the (relative) “calm before the storm”.
seems multiple Attacks are inbound or soon to be. And I suspect an
ever increasing velocity/ferocity of attacks (why else authorize US military to shoot to kill us citizens on us soil?
Put on the whole armor. having done so-
we shall finish the race.
I seem to remember reading that the swastika was a American Indian symbol also. Before WW II, the 45th Infantry Division patch featured it.
ReplyDeleteSince Israel's war in Gaza began nearly 13 months ago, Israeli forces have reported killed more than 43,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 100,000. More than 10,000 are missing and presumed dead under the rubble. Gaza health sources say at least 17,000 children and nearly 12,000 women are among the deceased.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely are not "Gods Chosen".