Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday Ramble: About That Tragedy At CFB Stubfart Airbase

Thanks all, for the heartfelt condolences from the intrepid airmen, philosophers and stubfart visionaries that took the time to stop in and pass along their sympathies and wisdom. Your kind words are sincerely appreciated. But it is exactly as the scholarly McC said so eloquently in the comments:

“In pieces they arrive, in pieces they depart. Like pet hamsters, we really 

shouldn't get too attached to them.

How many planes get to fly longer than it took to build them?”

In point of fact I am not all that broken up about it. And much as I love the aviation gods and pay homage to them - they hate my guts and even tried to kill me 10 or 12 years ago when I dabbled in flexwing trike ultralights. When I crashed that one…that hurt! Can’t bitch though, I walked away without a scratch! The chrome moly control bar had bent around my chest in the crash - and I didn’t get so much as a bruise. I’d a thunk something like that would be good for at least a couple cracked ribs… but all I can think is that maybe God had other plans for me and intervened with Darwin and Murphy on my behalf? Who knows? That probably only infuriated them more! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!


I fly RC like an asshole too which doesn’t help. I like to go low and fast and if anything happens when you’re doing that…there is no margin for error and no time to react. Having said that… I dunno what happened. I was clipping along doing my thing, I went to bank into my first turn, and then… wham, bam, up your arse, ma’am - the little plane dived … and you saw the results. Chairman Kai The Chinaman thinks it was a possible radio brown out… several of us have gone down in that same patch of the field and they think it may be intermittent interference from a couple sources but I know the truth: the aviation gods were reminding me that I suck, they still hated me, and no sacrifice or pious worship will appease them.

Yesterday I went through the wreckage scavenging the engine and electronics and bits and bobs to hopefully use in my next build. I will miss the old bird… but oh my goodness… I have plans for the next  one! 

Meet my new dream girl - the Super Sportster.
Lore has it that she has far more going for her than mere good looks!

What a sweetheart!!
British racing green too! Be still, my heart… ❤️ ❤️ ❤️😜❤️❤️❤️

It has the look of a Bower’s Fly Baby, and lines evoking
the great racers of the 1930’s.

 Plans are available here for free. If I go forward with this, we will make some minor deviations from the plans. They call for a glow engine and I love them… but the RCGF 20cc gasser looks like a nice fit. It will go like a raped ape at full throttle, and be perfect for easy flying at lower power. We’ll dispense with the bell/crank aileron servo and go to two wing mounted units as we did with the Turd Bird. We will retain the steerable tail wheel for this one… gawd, my head is spinning as I go over the details and information on my iPad. I’m almost committed… but have some hemming, hawing and head scratching to do. It will not be an easy build…but there shouldn’t be anything I can’t handle, I think…? One thing I don’t get is dual servos on the elevator? What’s up with that? 

The skies will be closing over and the snow will start to fly soon. And when the temps fall I will go down to the Reclusium, puzzle over plans, supplements, radios, microprocessors… and when I come out next spring… maybe I’ll have something to fly.

I’ll keep ya poasted - and thanks again for dropping in. 




  1. Hi "F.T.!!,"
    "R/C ya' say???" Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt!!!!! We have to "Talk!!!" When I live in "So. Cal." Orange County, 'usedta fly at "MILE SQUARE PARK" in SNA before they turned it into a 'golf course!!" Besides flyin' "GAS" and "Sailplanes" I was an original member of the "Southern California Electric Flier's!!!" Back in the day of a "6-Pac' of Sub C Ni-cads, a "CAN" Motor and about 3 to 5 minutes of good flyin!!! Great times!! Still have a Hobby Shack (Remember them????) "Stick -E" 2/3rds built and need a Radio!! I miss the old daze of $69.95 AERO SPORT 2-Ch GOOD TIMES!! Had one in a floater sailplane in my van and some beaner banditoes broke in , stole the radio out of the dash, my "TOOLBOX!!" and the Tx for the plane!! They left the plane sitting in the back .. along with my un-packed SKYDIVING PARACHUTE?? that's where the $$$ was!! I'm sure they thought the Tx was some kind of hand held transiever?? HaHa!! Onward!!! Cost Mesa Ca, behind the Estancia High school the "Bluffs!!!" Home of the "Harbor Soaring Society!!" Good Times !! Wanna know more... let me know!! Now ya' got me goin' gotta' get the "Stck'E" flyin!!!!!
    Blue skyz buddy!!!,
    PS Estancia Bluffs!! Most of the time a "WEST WIND was great flyin'!! if the wind switched to SOUTH we headed to 'back bar at the far end of east 17th. St. Now think there's "CONDOM's" there Hahahaha!! Want to "SEE?????" Tell me how to send you FOTO;s

  2. FliteTest shows how to make cheap planes quickly. As you ramp up your skills, you can make better looking planes somewhat inexpensively. They use a lot of foam board, glue, hot glue, BBQ skewers, and popsicle sticks. They will never have the grand looks of a doped balsa wood plane, but they don't take weeks to build, either.
