Tuesday, September 10, 2024

There Goes The Angry Old Cat Lady Demographic

A voat for Kamala means a cat in every pot for immigrant Americans.

So I’m on Blab and it’s just a rage machine going berserk. It makes me mad enough to want to kill someone and I’m not even an American! Apparently the presidential debates are the expected shit show and people are coming unglued. 

Apparently America’s replacement voaters aren’t really enriching us, and liberals everywhere are starting to see what multiculturalism really means, and what the third world is like.

Not gonna fed poast… but I will say this: I think the soap box and ballot boxes have failed, and it’s time to break out the next box in that progression - if ya catch my drift.

Nobody deserves this.


  1. Don't forget the jury box. Another fail. So yeah.

  2. Though it's starting to sound like y'all might beat us to it.

    1. It’s gonna be a race and a photo finish, Steve. Our ruling classes in America, fwance, Germany, Canada, the UK… they gotta go, one way or another.

      It’d be proud as punch if Turdo took a bullet in the pan, and I’d go down and buy a round for the house to celebrate. But… we’re all to stupid and gutless up here to do anything meaningful.

  3. "Nobody deserves this."

    Except, of course, for the xenophilic Leftists who voted for it.

    May the Blue cities run red.

    1. Amen, M. That’s my default position now. Some woman gets raped and murdered by some migrant trash? If she’s liberal, it serves her right, and that’s just Darwin and Murphy cleaning the gene pool.

  4. Why did they pick Springfield, Ohio to benefit from all this diversity? It was only about 75% white before. Now the town of Kiryas Joel in NY state is over 96% palefaces. That’d be a great place to send 20k Haitians. And if you wanted to keep it in Ohio, consider the town of Beachwood near Cleveland. It’s over 90% pale.

    1. Exactly.

      I remember reading about some church folk doing missionary work in Haiti. They got tied up digging latrines during a disaster… and none of the locals lifted a finger to help. They shat wherever, looted where and when they could but otherwise did absolutely nothing to help themselves. I just laughed as Christian idealists ran face first into race reality at 100 MPH.

  5. I only got about 15 minutes into the debate before my wife started carrying on so much about all the BS Kamala was saying that I had to turn it off. Otherwise probably would have put one of us in the ER with a heart attack.
    I think the debates are by and large worthless - I'm not sure there's a clear example in the last 50 years where it actually changed the course of an election. It allows a few choice soundbites but other than that it's always been a shit-show.

    1. Agreed. Turn that shit off! It’ll drive you up the wall if you let it.

  6. Joomedia has been Desperately Denying that Cats are being Eaten in Springfield, in spite of the Vids (which are being Censored as fast as they are Posted. They even are saying "Trump still Lying about False Claims that Pets are being Eaten".
