Sunday, September 1, 2024

The “Parallel Society & Economy”

At one time I thought the idea of self sufficiency, building communities, and dropping out of the neoliberal rat race/rat faced mainstream economy was plausible. Move out to the country, plant a garden, change your lifestyle, support your tribe, boycott and starve your enemies, let nature take its course, rebuild once the world’s bad guys are all dead and burnt to a crisp.

The problem I see with the movement is that it is infested with talkers, virtue signallers, elderly hippies and feather headed ideologues that haven’t got the faintest idea of how found such societies, or make them work. Most are so naive and stupid that if they ever do face a reckoning like the one headed our way…they’ll either get themselves killed, or worse - they’ll take people with them. As will become apparent, it’s far too little and far too late for peaceable resolution.

Say what ya want about these guys, they are experts at establishing communities in hostile locations. There was a window where whites might have been able to do something similar; but now it’s far too late in my opinion. If whites started doing things like this …? We all know how that would go.


  1. Of course it's possible. It's just not possible in an idealized form.

    First, America is segregating spontaneously. While it's mostly urban v rural, most of America is segregating into ideologic, if not completely racial enclaves. . Look at any race map of the US and you can see it. States are segregating county by county; cities are segregating block by block. We may be a "diverse" nation, but locally we mostly aren't.

    Second, the ideal of the self-sufficient individual has always been a pipe dream. On the other hand, Americans have traditionally been able to be relatively self-sufficient once you get out of the city. In my community, nobody is an island, but almost everybody does a little *something* that would make them helpful if bad times hit. The goal is not to survive a nuclear apocalypse. The goal is to smooth over the rough times when the idiots that run the country bring their plans to their ultimate conclusion.

    The world isn't going to end, no matter what. But, hard times are coming. The model is not Mad Max. The model is the Depression. The Depression was hard. Not everybody made it. But many small communities survived by working together and taking care of each other.

    The model of *relatively* insular, *relatively* self-supporting (enough to soften the blow of the Depression) small communities has worked in the US over and over again, from Appachia to the Ozarks to Oklahoma to Texas, and on and on. Not everybody makes it, but more will than would if they didn't make the effort.

  2. Hrrrrrmmmm. Dunno how much I agree with that. I think all this diversity is going to kill millions in race wars once the reckoning starts rolling, so Mad Max (in my opinion) is going to be on the table, front and centre. And typically, when times get tough, rural populations really don’t do that well, historically speaking.

    But I could be wrong - we shall see.

    1. Historically, the population was disarmed, and that isn't going to happen this time. Whitey has an unique ability to form alliances that thrive. The middle man has always been the interloper, he is easy to just takes balls!

      Chutes Magoo

    2. I concur. What's coming is unprecedented, at least in the last few thousand years, if only because it is global in scope... which is how you can known conclusively that no one is coming to help.

      Yeah, some people actually are islands. Not many, but to claim it's not possible is blatantly stupid. But who cares:

      Whether it's "possible" or not, it's all there is. An honest man cannot do business with crooks. An honorable man cannot associate with evil. Those of us who are not at war with reality, must serve the truth, first and foremost. If you say an honest man cannot survive in a dishonest world without repeating the lies as demanded, my response is the same I offer for most such absurd assertions:

      "That's an interesting theory, how might we test it?"

    3. I think less mad max and more bosnia civil war. MM had no central govt just dangerous gangs. Bosnia had 2 competing govt each one backing murderous gangs


  3. I live in a community where nearly everybody does true prepping. True preppers know guns are needed, but also how to raise and grow your own. We have roughly a hundred chickens that free range mostly, and have winter quarters and water/feed, and 4 to 6 Dexter cattle. These are half size cows that do provide meat and fertilizer, and grass fed. Then is the gardens. We grow what works for us on our land and trade with the neighboring people. A fairly good pond, private, with enough fish to reproduce on their own. Crawfish too. Well water with backup hand pumps. Plenty of wood. Plant 3 for every tree you take. It works. Basically old style farm living.
