Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Filthie Match Maker

 Y’know…it’s a lot of fun matching up the hapless tards and stubfarts to harpies, harridans and horrors and then sitting back and watching the goddess of sewers and mayhem - Cloacina - have her way with them! Chutes gets a rolling pin across the head, Pete gets the frying pan - HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! It’s all justifiable homo-cide too! Woo-Hoo!!!👍

But sometimes one comes across my dating service that actually pays the bills. I’m afraid this one goes to the billionaire novelist, adventurer and man about town - WL Emery! 😉👍

You can pick her up at 7:00 tomorrow night, WL! Bring your Lear jet - the nice one! 

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