Friday, September 20, 2024

The Feminime Arts


Quilting used to be a big deal with the womenfolk a hunnerd years ago, wananit? I’m really going to have to put more study into women’s issues. Like…pearls. Do they still wear them? Are they still expensive family heirlooms? Do women still express themselves with arts n’ crafts? Does anyone use fine China dish ware anymore? I dunno - it seems like women left bigger (and better) imprints and artifacts in our lives, homes, and consciousness… but not anymore.

Even female sex symbols have gone for a chit. I mean… Taylor Swift…? All the sexual allure of a rake… I didn’t read them but the pop rags go on about some fake boyfriend she supposedly has - a football star apparently… and every pic I see of the guy…he looks suicidally sad.  

But whadda I know?

All I know for sure is it takes a mighty big dawg to f*** an elephant, HAR HAR HAR! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘


  1. Quilting is still big, at least in some areas. Mostly among the older ladies. My grandmother, before she passed, had us set up a giant loom in her living room to allow her to do all sorts of quilting. My cousin had a workshop built beside her house to quilt, now she's "professional" and goes to quilting shows, gives demonstrations, teaches, and sells quilts. My mom even does it, making smaller quilts and giving them to kids. I remember for years I never had any store-bought bedspreads - just a homemade quilt. Until I got my fancy wife with all her fancy decorating ideas - now we got some expensive designer bedspread that ain't even comfortable, but damn it looks nice. The quilt's on the guest bed where I sometimes sleep do to my incessant snoring. It's also more comfortable, but I don't tell her that. You gotta ignore celebrities and hang with country wimmen.

    1. We used to have a few old ones. They’d gotten ratty and frayed over the years (they were all 2nd and 3rd hand inheritances, I guess). They were perfect bedding for the cats n’ dawg beds…

  2. Vagina head! Doesn't have the same ring as dickhead but maybe it'll catch on.

  3. I never understood the allure of women like Taylor Swift. She doesn't seem like someone who'd be much fun in the sack.

    1. She’s a mannequin. Manufactured from synthetic materials, assembled by robots, carefully painted and air brushed, and skillfully displayed and posed for maximum impact.

      Real men are not her target audience.

    2. Given her lack of boobs, narrow hips, flat ass and bob cut i'd say her target audience is gay men attracted to little boys.

