Sunday, September 8, 2024

Soft Porn Sunday: The Filthie Prude


Y’know…I never really thunk much about it… and maybe I’m over-thinking it? But…sure, I like to look at the pretty girls like anyone else. But stuff like this? It was a cartoon for children. Why does this appeal to guys who, for all intents and purposes - could access real porn with just a click of the mouse?  Is this some kind of variant of a kink or fetish for child porn? Something feels wrong about this, on some level.

And the girls… they love this stuff! Maybe more so than the fellas. Halloween’s the same for them too. I wonder if women weren’t built from the ground up to have a psychological predisposition toward porn and exhibitionism too? Consider: the frumpy fat old women and the younger homely slags just HATE the pretty young ones with the heat of 1000 suns. Even if there’s no guys around the hags and harridans will attack the younger, prettier girls. Is that hatred based partly on the fact that they’re old or too ugly to have anything to flaunt? 

Of course now that I’m a fat old ugly guy … that pic turns me on too! There is something deeply appealing about a noisy, troublesome woman duct taped, tied up, and thrown into a corner so that she can’t torment her man with drama and bullchit…. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh… peace and quiet…!  HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!


Is this harmless fun? Or just a creepy form of soft porn…?


  1. Glen, you can do LITERALLY ANYTHING to a woman - except bore her. Imagine the attention she’d get from gen-x & young gen z men tripping over themselves to talk to her.

  2. I think a big surge in the Velma fixation, especially for those of us who grew up on Gilligan's Island, Brady Bunch, and Scoobie-Doo in the 70's was taking our kids to the 2002 (?) live action version of Scoobie-Doo. They cast Linda Cardellini as Velma and, well, Linda is HOT. And has two very appreciable talents, once you snug that sweater up some. Yeah, we started looking at Velma and that orange sweater in a whole new light.

    Prior to that movie, everybody I knew would have picked Mary Ann from the island as the perfect girlfriend. Even at a young age we knew Ginger was a high maintenance bitch and Mary Ann would be way more fun. It's all harmless fun. Until you go blind. Or get caught.

  3. Hey, millions of guys grew up with her, she's "approachable".
    Well hey! thanks for that dive into...Thelma. I'm blaming you, wasn't MY my fault!

  4. I agree with Don. This all started with Linda Cardellini. She was also damned hot in Mad Men, even though she showed her age there.
