Monday, September 9, 2024

I’m Not So Sure, Rosie….


Rosie is a bit optimistic, I’m thinking. Fact is, these guys are operating in broad daylight. The media ignores it, people bitch about it on the innernet, and the whole system staggers along as a few more pieces fall off. Who’s your president right now, Yanks? They’ve already hijacked one election, and are openly setting about doing it again. They’re going to keep doing it if people keep rolling over and taking it. Why would they change?

The proper response to this is a rifleman on overwatch near the ballot boxes. When some 300 lb. trailer park queen or she-boon shows up with boxes of ballots to stuff it… bye-bye birdie…

It’s just as bad up here in Canada. The provinces have literally sued the feds in court, and won…yet the feds keep trying to make and enforce decisions that hurt those provinces in direct violation of the court. Nothing gets done, and everyone stands around wondering who’s in charge and what to do about it. There are laws about this stuff, folks. They aren’t being enforced. That’s why you have illiterate, violent Haitians hunting in your parks and eating your pets. That’s why we have a faggot faced prime minister thinking he’s going to grab everyone’s guns.

All in broad daylight.  Daylight isn’t even an inconvenience for the cockroaches now. 


  1. Flame throwers will take care of the pallets full of pre-marked ballots. Come to think of it, they'd be handy for other purposes as well.

  2. These folks are unconcerned about your recording and reporting. Remaining in power is their only goal.

  3. What amazes me is the people too cowardly to have a real conversation and look at what is happening are willing to go full Kamikaze to stuff the boxes.

  4. Used to be true.... because there used to be consequences: If you got caught engaging in treason, folks felt driven to take action.

    Not any more. So why hide it? When the light comes on, and nothing happens... the cockroaches eventually learn that they no longer have to hide.

    Nothing changes, until *after* there are consequencies again....
    Nothing changes, until the return of the gods of the copybook headings.

  5. "That’s why you have illiterate, violent Haitians hunting in your parks and eating your pets."

    That's just to start. When the wildlife, pets, and zoo critters are all gone, what's next? Well here's a hint: they don't call that savage motherfucker gang leader in Port au Prince 'Barbecue' for nothing.

    1. They will be eating vaxxed long pork, they will die from mad cow disease and other nasty shit. Pure bloods will be up and running in a target rich environment. Except me, I have to stay home and watch over the women folk and critters.

  6. In response to Rosie - we have that video from the last general election. A whole 2 hour movie was made showing the ballot boxes being stuffed over and over again. It made no apparent difference when it landed.

