Hmmmpppfffff. 🤨
I am watching the poor Catholics tearing themselves and each other apart over the ass-hattery coming out of the Vatican. Can’t pretend to understand much of it, and am happy to leave Piggot and Barnhardt to their feud. From out here in the outhouse it looks to me like the Vatican’s being run by either Satan or the jewish mob. Don’t care, not my monkeys, not my circus, as the cool kids say. But… This shit is everywhere now.
We had a couple horse faced lard arsed dykes show up at the church last Sunday. I think they were related to one of the old grannies visiting from other churches, and it turned me right off. They were both morbidly obese, had the gross tats, the piercings, the bad haircuts. One sat with granny, and the other one circulated around at coffee time trying to talk to people who were obviously uncomfortable with them and wanted nothing to do with them. But they were there, proud and doing the queer parody of virtue and courage.
When services resumed our Speecher diverged from the program a bit. He did a short bit on sinful behaviour, and how some stupid people justified it by saying “it’s perfectly natural because animals do it…”. He pointedly reminded everyone that we are not animals, and that animals aren’t allowed in the chapel, and that sin is sin. He didn’t name the sin, he didn’t identify the sinners, but everyone knew exactly who he was talking about.
I dunno if the queers will be back. I doubt it. There’s nothing for them there. They will not be abused but they’ll be shunned and ignored with no real opportunity for confrontation and the attendant virtue signalling and drama that queers love. I suspect someone probably will speak to the old biddy and tell her to leave those two idiots behind if she wants to visit. The dykes probably thought they were being edgy and brave by showing up and flying their colours in our church? I dunno how brave it is. I can get a tee shirt that says Christ Is King and go for a stroll down the Whyte Ave Froot Loop too… the only reason I don’t is that like most normal folks, I got better things to do than go trying to pick fights with morons.
Unlike the Catholics I have no attachment to my church whatsoever. Sure I love the people, but if I see any faggotry, feminism, socialism or pedophilia going on there… I’ll just walk away and won’t look back. I’d tell them why I left too, I don’t give a hoot. If you let those poisoned minds through the doors you have the devil and stupid people in your church and no bones about it. God’ll have to sort that out.
So far our little church is weathering the stormy culture wars, and for that I am intensely grateful. But I am prepared if worst comes to worst.
Years back we had an older dyke show up, typical for the period - fat, butch haircut, but no blue dye or visible tats as those weren't in style yet. Oddly enough, she seemed curious about what we believed and was politely and attentive. However our speecher guy told her off and that was that, she left and never came back.
ReplyDeleteThe book says we're supposed to preach the word to sinners, yet also be ready to shake the dust from our feet if they're not willing to listen. I know the whole "give an inch, take a mile" line but I still think our speecher ran her off too early. Yeah, if they're there looking for a confrontation, don't take the bait. But if they're honestly listening, talk.
IDK. I've kinda drifted away from the church-going lately. Don't even know what the damn papists are up to, don't really care. The whole JQ thing makes it difficult to sit thru half the lessons, and the bleeding hearts on the illegal immigration invasion makes me want to scream, and then the whole "we gotta support Ukraine / Israel" faction makes me wanna puke. Better to just sit it out until the world comes to it's senses.
They avoid politics like the plague at our church.
DeleteI share Don's concern. As the old saying goes, don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you do. I'd be wary of chasing people away from church.
DeleteIf the dykes were there as penitants - absolutely. If they are there to stir up shit - absolutely not. They are free to do that at their pervert parades where they can take pride in their sin and fake rainbow.
DeleteI also think Don is far too apathetic about incrementalism. Twenty five years ago people were talking about giving queers the privacy of their own bedrooms. Now they are chasing our kids around in the washroom, the kids don't know what washroom to use... and supposedly good conservative people are scratching their heads and seriously wondering if pedos belong in a classroom with toddlers. We all know that we now have to "bake the cake or else".
But... I am not going to say you guys are wrong, nor will I purport to tell my church and its leaders what to do. If they want to make their church a haven for degenerates that is their choice.
To me the the commandments mean what they say, and say what they mean. The Bible tells us to confront sin and work against it, not "tolerate it". I tells us not to follow the way of the world, but to conduct ourselves in Godly and righteous ways. What other commandments are we going to waive in pursuit of woke virtue signalling?
But... whadda I know? I told them to shove their vaxx, I told fags like General Aesop that they'd only get hundreds of thousands of people killed in the Kraine for nothing, and I think woke sexuality will only tear apart families and enable stupid people to wreak all kinds of havoc on innocent normies and their kids. I am a contrarian by nature I suppose, and am not afraid to walk alone.
Per the dictionary
lacking legal or moral restraints
especially : disregarding sexual restraints
licentious behavior
licentious revelers
: marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness
I used to go to church out of respect for my mom and grandparents. Stopped going when I came of age and realized how full of shit the majority of most people are.
ReplyDeleteI avoid church not because I refute the Lord but because I cannot abide the sanctimonious hypocrisy of most people I find at church.