Tuesday, September 10, 2024

HK Love


Oops - my mistake! It’s only a 9mm…😂👍

But… if ya gotta shoot the Plastique Fantastique…
this is the best of the lot.
(Yes, it’s better than your two bit Glock…)


  1. Since my 34 year old G19 has zero failures (except for gun show non full length resized reloads) and I've hit a So. Cal. ground squirrel (small bushy tailed rat) at a measured 26 yards you'll be hard pressed to convince me it's better. If I find myself in need of another G19, they're on Armslist for $450-$550, all day, every day within a 2 hour drive (I''m in the sticks).
    That 9 mm H&K USP, compact, with safety, starts at $900 used and is $1100 plus new. There's 27 brazilian G19's out there, there's abourt 9 H&K compacts out there, apparently none (Armslist) in Tennessee.
    Such hurtful, triggering and inflammatory rhetoric! I need to find some Glock weenies to pillory and cancel your pathetic, something phobic, toxic, anti Perfection, ass into...something awful. Oh, I'm just spent, I need to change my free male tampon and take a nap. I just hope you reflect on your hurtful ways and REPENT for your SINS! Or maybe send me an H&K, THEN I'll feel better.


  2. But… if ya gotta shoot the Plastique Fantastique…
    this is the best of the lot.
    (Yes, it’s better than your two bit Glock…).... No it isn't Filthie ya dipshit.
