Sunday, September 1, 2024

From The Goddess Of The Sewers, Cloacina…

Y’know what? If they can do it… so can I. Cackula Harris can get up in front of a bunch of hooting, gibbering black baboons at a political rally and caper about, pretending she’s black and everyone has to play along and pretend she is and be serious about it. Then there’s that retarded woman that’s a fake indian. After that there’s the endless freak show of fake genders and sex perverts that we have to pretend are sane leaders. 

Whatever. I now identify as a Roman emporer. I’m even gonna run around in a toga with a crown of cabbage and you fags’ll all have to bow and scrape before me or get charged with a hate crime. 

I’m probly gonna need a pronoun now. Polite, serious suggestions in the comments, please!!! ☺️👍

But - you will find your new emperor a benevolent leader, blessed by his patron gods and goddesses. Today I shall share their gifts with the unworthy proles, peons and peasantry! 


Remember! No rude jokes at my expense!!! That’s hateful cruel intolerance, and intolerance will not be tolerated!!!



  1. General Turgidson.

    Chutes Magoo

  2. I suggest "Crepitus" as your Imperial title.


  3. I know the perfect title with honorifics for your Roman emperor.

    "Magnificus vir Crepitus, divinum ventus"

    Henceforth I think this should be your name


  4. Re #1: when you finally figure it out, 30 years later.

  5. Everything is now claimed to be illegal by people that can not define a woman. It is best to stop asking them from here out...
