Thursday, September 12, 2024

Feeling Your Age, You Old Fart?

I recently got in chit for running my mouth about Glocks.

The best gun for you is the one you have,
and in all seriousness you could do a helluva lot worse than Glock.
I was being a facetious dink to disparage them.

But! I will not recant nor repent!!!
Why shoot a gun favoured by niggered pimps and drug fiends
when ya don’t have to? 


Hell’s bells… this li’l sweetheart has to be 20 years old by now too?

I suppose if you’re a Pepsi Kid, this is the latest and greatest.
Y’know…there’s no safety on it? 

I dunno what to think of that!  I suppose if you’re
going to fight with a gun 
rather than playing with it at the range, it makes sense?
There’s no safety on a revolver for the most part too,
but for some reason it makes me uncomfortable.

This is what happens when old farts get hidebound 
by old obsolete traditions I guess.

My buddy has one and they are sweet!


  1. "How time doth fly". It is hard to believe. These days, a few companies have reverted back to building iconic firearms from yesteryear (i.e. Browning HPs, MP40s, G43s, MP44s, all sorts of lever, and wheel guns). Of course, they will never be a classic original that some people still desire for their collection, but they "help" fill the void. I have a resin MP44/Stg44 that is from a past popular WW2 movie and it looks pretty "tactikool" in my man cave! LOL

  2. I switched from 1911s to SIG P227s. No safety was one reason. Weapons aren't supposed to be safe.

  3. I have to admit that I love my Colt 45 and 9mm Baretta.
    I have friends who have Glocks and I've put some rounds through them but I just don't like them, they feel cheap and flimsy to me.
    My 5 foot tall wife though likes the Glocks because they weigh much less and are easier for her to shoot.
    Also several friends who carry regularly like them because they weigh less as well.
    Like you, the Glocks aren't for me but I know people who swear by them.

    1. Yep, it’s all just personal preference…

  4. OT: Jim Stone has resurfaced:

    1. He is a grifter conman.

    2. I would be interested in hearing your reasons for believing that. Note that my interest is limited to reason and logic applied to objectively measurable data. Your conclusion is inconsistent with what I have so far.

    3. Jim Stone is excellent IMHO

  5. If I wasn't so old, and have dozens of magazines for my G19, I'd happily go to a tuned Browning HP. It exudes tradition, craftsmanship, old school precision. Glen, not all P-35's are Inglis counterfeit rattle traps.
    The 4 pistols above, make good carry guns. So do dozens of others, go with what works for you.
    Any pistol with a Glock like trigger, should be in a high quality holster that completely covers the trigger guard, mine's Kydex, almost fool proof. There are almost no accidental discharges. There's LOT'S of negligent discharges.
    Happy/not happy yer unemployed Glen, if you were slaving for the almighty $, we would be deprived of this international treasure house of a blog. Thank you very much (in my best Elvis Presley voice).
    Graham Kill House Rules. (Nobody is coming to save you, etc, etc, etc).

  6. I loved my Sig P320 before I lost it and my ATT in that unfortunate canoe trip to the range, which oddly happened just prior to that asshole Trudeau's pissant edict on handguns.

  7. I'm in my late 60's and have been shooting since 12 yrs old. Ruger 10/22 and then a single shot 410 were the first of many. Have owned and do own many different rifles and pistols. Many Colt 1911's ( love my combat commander) and prefer .45's most of all and also enjoy my 9mm. Have Sigs, Rugers, Glocks, Beretta, Colts in .45 and 9mm and Rifles in 30/30, 6.5 Creedmore, 243, 270 and more. I like them all and think that they all have something to offer.
    That said, gun snobbery is BS and for weak elitist cocksuckers IMHO. Shoot what works for you and what you can be effective with. BTW Glen, you might appreciate this... This is quite good Glen.
    Thinking you will enjoy it.

    1. Yup, it’s all good as long as you’re out shooting and having a good time. If you’re gonna do run n’ gun games, nothing beats the Glock because you can after market those things into full blown race guns. The only reason I prefer the .45 is that I think it does better with cast lead at low velocities… which is what my practice/plinking loads are. That, and maybe tradition…

      If I could lay hands on a vintage Luger or Mauser broom handle…. Then I’d go 9mm in a heartbeat. Thanks for the link - I’ll check it out!

  8. Why shoot a gun favoured by niggered pimps and drug fiends
    when ya don’t have to? Why don't you ask Hickock45? He sure loves his Glocks. I prefer my 20 yr old Sig Sauer P220 45. It's been a fantastic pistol.

    1. It’s funny … 20 years ago me and the boss got so effed off with the idiots at the head office that we decided to just play a little hookey and go to the gun store and chill out. I joked about buying a couple guns and going back to clean the office out with them.

      So we go in and they had my HK there…and I just bought it. My boss bought the P220. You are right too…those things are absolute sweethearts. He later sold it and he’s been kicking himself ever since…

    2. when I started to carry, my pistol was a P220 in 45 ACP.
      loved that gun. so when the local store had a bunch of ex cop guns for sale, I found another one. I was lucky enough that they had a dozen of them. looked thru the lot and picked the best one or the one with the least wear on it. also grabbed a dozen magazines as well at 12 bucks each. replaced the springs and had the gun refinished since, nice having a pair of West German p220. the weapon is at least early 1980's and still works
      great. both of them. I do like the old 7 round magazines
      more then the 8 round ones though, just feels better some how in my hand.

    3. With the heal clip mag release? I must have gotten the only POS 220. It was the Browning branded version, shotgun pattern at 25 yards. Turned into trading stock immediately. The 226 I got had a cracked slide rail just forward of the mag well. My seal team buddies loved them, they shot competition grade groups. At that time, in the hoary past, My EDC was a 2 tone Commander, tuned by Terry Tussey.
      Why switch to Glock? Bad guys often come in groups and oodles. It's lighter, holds groups and oodles of pills and if it gets confiscated, lost, stolen, dropped, whatever, it's not a tragedy. You can get another one, just like the other one, tomorrow, cheap.

  9. I seem to recall that Mr Browning kinda had a thing for “safeties”” (think 1911). I defer to his wisdom on that.

    Safeties were around for ever for a reason.
    Even flintlocks had em.
    Is it not ironic that the dumbest “generation” to ever exist, prefers loaded pea shooters absent operator controlled safeties?

    Which leads to this-
    the Ultimate safety is between one’s ears.
