Monday, September 23, 2024

How did women ever convince themselves that this is a bad thing?

How do ya go from this - to working for piss poor wages in a cubicle farm,
and eating chips and candy bars you stashed in your desk?
Then they go home alone to an overpriced apartment, open a bottle of wine
and eat something out of a can or a box…


  1. Because doing what's in the pic is HARD WORK! After a full day of that stuff; a girl would know that she worked.
    Doing stuff in a cubicle farm is a piece of cake compared to that pic.

    1. I remember my mom and Grandma going at it like that in Grandma’s kitchen… gawd, those women MOVED when they got into canning and cooking. Us kids were not allowed in the kitchen, and we didn’t want to be there while they were in hyperdrive. Afterward they didn’t stop either…they’d clean up the mess and put it all away too.

      Maybe the spinster life IS easier on them somehow…?

  2. Because evil will say or do anything to convince others it is just another viable option. The weak minded usually fall first.

  3. "Then they go home alone to an overpriced apartment, open a bottle of wine and eat something out of a can or a box…

    ...And the cat, Glen... They also go home to the cat... unless, of course, they live in Springfield, OH...

    1. Gawd, those monkeys are in for a rude surprise this winter…

  4. My wife still cooks like that, traditional marriage.


  5. My dear old mother used to cook and can like that. It was a ton of hard work, but we sure ate well.

    Thanksgiving and Christmas were big dinners, and one year the ladies took too long clearing up and serving desert. And so, with a roar of alcoholic approval, the young men stepped up and said we'd clean up and serve desert next year. We did, and every year thereafter. Two of us had restaurant training, and the other two stayed sober enough to be a help rather than a hindrance. The ladies liked the break.
